g t n The Fathers and forxe Papiffs, C H A P. Iv Cbrillusinbono? Ads peccatumimputabitrrrmihi, &Chrifi juflitia non perti- nebit ad me ? i. e. He who took away the defert of fin , giving to us his Righ- teoufnefs , the farne by his merites , paid the debt , & retlored life; for if death be dead , life returneth; even as fin being taken away , Righteoufnefs returneth : Moreover death is banished away in Cltrift's death , and Chrift Righteoufnefs is imputed to us &c. He who took on our flesh , & underwent death,thinks thou; that he shall deny to us his Righteoyfnef? He who willin- gly was incarnate, willingly (offered, willingly was crucified, shall he withold his Righteoufnefs from us?- one man finned & all are guilty,& shall the inno- cency of one be accounted only to one ? One mans fin hath wrought death unto all , & shall the Righteoufnefs of one reftore life only to one ? Shall God's Righteoufnefs be more powerful! to condemne , than to reftore ? Could Adam do more in fin , than Chrift in good ? Shall Adam's fin be im- puted ttnto me, & shall not Chrift's Righteoufnefsbelong unto me ? Ambrof. lib. 3. de Virginit. p. Ioo. Omuta Jefitr ell nobir ji volumur. Si vul- nur curati deftderar ,, Medical. ell: Si febribur .cJ?uas, font eft: Sigravarir ini- gt;atate , juflitia et : f auxilioindiger , virtur eft: Si morteril timer , vita eli ft coelum deJ:deres , via eft : ft tenebras fugir , luxefl : f cibum qucerir , alirnen- turn eß. i. e. Chilli is all things to us , if we be wining , if thou defireft to ha- ve thy wound cured , he is the chyrurgen : if thou burn with feavers , he is a fountain : If thou be burdened with fin , he is Righteoufn fs: If thou want help, he is venue : If thou fear death , he is thelLfe : ifthou defirell hea- ven, he is the way : If thou fleet} from darknefs, he is light : if thou leek meat , he is aliment. Idem de fide lib. 2. c. 4. O fide; thefanrir omnibus opulentior ! Ò vulnerum no- firoruan peccatorunique medicina praflantior ! Confideremus , quia nobis prodefi bene credere. Mibi enim prodeR Jerre , quia propter me Chrifus f r. fcepit in firmita- ter mews , mei eorporir Jubiit paffioner pro me peccatum , - pro me maledtttum fatter eß, pro me at que in we fubditur arque fubjeftur. i. e. O faith more rich than all treafures ! 0 naafi excellent medicine for all our wounds & fins I Let us confider , for it is profitable for us to beleeve well : It is prrfitable for me to know, becaufe Chrift for me took on my infirmities, he underwent the paffions of my body he was made fin for me - for me was he made a cur- ie,. forme & in me , was he made a fubje&. Macarius Homil. 2o. Q,uicunque enirn in propria fua juflitia e redemptione con iflit , in vanum dry ca firm laborabit ; nam omnir opinio de propria juflitia con - cepta , tanquam pannits menffruatx mulieris , in novifJìmo die man:feflabitur, fiicut inquit Efaiar Propheta - Petamur itaque n1 obteflemur Douta , ut induat no- bic've /rem [altars ,Dominum nofirum, gefum Chrißum, ineffabilem lucera, quern fercnter anima in.ceternum non exuenttir. i. e. Who ever ftandeth in his own Righteoufnefs & redemption laboureth in vaine : for all conceived opi- nion ofour own Righteoufnefs shall be manifef' to be a menflruous cloth, in the lafÿ day , as the Prophet Efai faith- Let us ask therefore, & befeek the Lord , that he would cloth us with the garment of Salvation our Lord Jefus Chrift, that ineffable light, whom if our ,fouls put on & wear, they shall ne- ver be denuded thereof Eves