Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

CHAP. TO. Approve The Doarine of rfnputation. z; Even force Papitts of old , ( though few or none now fince the Councelat Trent,) did affent unto this Imputation of the Righlt 1otufnefso Chritcomfort In Colon there .was a book written an. 1475 g, dying perfons , wherein thefe words are found. Age ergo durt fuperefl in to ani- ma, in hac fola morte fiduciam tuam conflitue , in nulla re fiduciam habe, huis morti to totum committe , hac Iola to totum contege , totum im;ni(cc to in hac morte, in bac morte totum to involve ; d.c fi Dominusbeus to voluerit j udicare , dic Domi- ne , mortem D. N. I. C. objicio inter me (LT tuurn jud iciutn, aliter tecutn non con - tendo. Et f tibi dixerit , quia peccator es, dic mortem D. N.I. C. pono inter to d7 peccata mea. Si dixerit tibi guod merui fli damnatienem , dic Domine , martens D. N. I. C. obtendo inter to dr mala mea merits, ijf usque merits cyfero pro memo , ujuodego debui(fenr habere , nec habeo. Si dixerit, quad tibi eft iratus , dic, Do,ni- ne, mortem D. N. I. C. oppono inter me & iram tuam. i, c. Go to then , while thy foul is in thee , put all thy confidence in this death alone , have confiden. ce in no other thing , commit thy Pelf wholly unto this death, cover thv felf wholly with this death alone , mixe thy Pelf wholly in this death , roll thy wholly in this death; & if the Lord will judge thee , fay , Lord , I call up the death of our Lord. J.C. betwixt me & thy judgment ; no other way do I contend with thee. And if he fay to thee , that thou art a firmer . fay , I put the death of the Lord Jefus Chrifl betwixt thee & my fins. If he fay , that thou haft deferved damnation , fay , Lord , I hold forth the death of our Lord I. C. betwixt thee & my evil merites; & I offer his me- rites , for the merite , which I should have had , & have not. If he fay, that he is angry at thee ; fay , Lord , I fet up the death ofour Lord I. C. be- twixt me & thine anger. Ifidorus Clariur Ora. 4.o. in Luc. Nos dicimur neque fide prime) , neque chari- sate, fed una Dei juftitiâ in Chriflo nobir impertitd juflificari. t. e. We fay , we are juilified at Eirlt neither by faith , neither by charity , but by the Righte- oufnefs of God alone in Chrift , bellowed upon us. Albertus PWlius Conroy. 2. de fide. Fortaffis etiam noflram bane damnarent (n. Scholaí ci) fententiam , qua propriam , dr qu.c ex fuis operibus ejfet coram Deo, juftitiarn derogamus omnibus Ad,e feliis, d? docuimus una Dei i iChr;fto ni- tinor peffe jztflitiâ , una i114 jufiorcoram Deo, deflitutos propria, nif hoc ;plum aflruri ff emur alìquanto diligentius i. e. It may be they (t, e. the Scholafticks) would condemne this opinion of ours, whereby we take away from all the Sons of Adam, thenrownRighteoufnefs, which is oftheir own works, be- fore God , & did teach , that we mutt leane upon the Righteoufnefs ofGod, in Christ, alone , & that by that alone, we are Righteous before God though deltitute of our own , if we had not confirmed it a little more dili- gently. non in zt ;tsa no ra fed in una Idem ibid. Nam quad nen-operibusnofi`ris , 1 fl fl ignofcente iniquitates no ftrar miter icordia, benevolentice ergs nor divinæ, dr falutir a Deo of {nandæ nobis fees fit Davidis Teflimonio Apofi. ad kom.''comprobans, non alia juflitiâ nisi nos poffe, nifi quam imp utari nobis abfque noflris operibur aftr- mat - non elicit , beatiqui ex. oper;bles fair juftìcóramDeo funs, beatusvir,qui non eommif t, nee fait inju ftuttaru , fad e C t, quorum a Deomifericorditer re. rnifc