C H A P. 6. what nyfferies i t juffification. 39 nishment , & a Right to the reward promifed to obedience, or to the Crown. As Chrift , the Meffìas, made 4n end offins , made reconciliation for iniqui- ty; fo He brought in an everlaflingh righteoufnefs , Dan. 9: 24. And beleevers have the benefite of both ; for as they receive the grace of God , & the gift by grace , & aboundance of grace , and of the gift of righteoufnefs ; fo they shall reigne in life and grace through righteoufnefs reigneth unto eternal life, 'Zorn. 5: 15, 17, Zr. 5. Upon the other hand , this myftery is alto obfervable. That Chrifts Satisfa ion taketh not away the necefiity of the Imputation of Chrifis Righ- teoufnefs & obedience ; as fomedo fay who think , that becaufe we have full pardon of all finites , by vertue of the Satisfaction of Chrift ; therefore we need no more a perfon , who is pardoned , being therefore one, that is not unrighteous ; & one that is not unrighteous, being righteous , for ( fay they) there isnomids betwixt juft, or righteous, and not unjuft, or not unrighteous; & he , who is righteous , having done all his duty , & fo ha- ving a right to the promifed reward of life. So that upon this ground they fuppofe, there is need of no more , in order to obtaining of life : & befide, fay they , the Scripture faith , that the man is bleffed to whom the Lord imputeth not fin ; & he , who is blefhed upon this account, needeth no righ- teoufnefs to be added , to render him bleffed , and to give a right unto glory. But (I) we were (as was laid) guilty of the breach of the Law , & fo , liable to punishment , & werealfo under obligation, to give perfect obedience un- to the Law ; Satisfa tiontherefore for our breach , & our pardon upon Sa- tisfaction , faith not , that we have not broken the Law ; and if we have bro- ken the Law , we cannot be laid to haveyeelded perfect obedience unto the Law, when God pardoneth upon a Satisfaction made , He doth not judge, or fuppofe , that the perfon pardoned bath perfeíìly kept the Law ; for His judgment is according to truth ; and the very pardon fuppofeth a Tranfgref lion; and a Tranfgreflion taketh away perfect obedience; as perfed obedience deftroyeth or rendereth ufelefs all pardon. Wherefore neither before God nor man, can a perfon, meetly becaufe of Pardon, be faid, or be ac- counted to have all that was required. Upon Pardon, it is true, he is as much exeemed from the obligation to punishment , as if he had kept the whole Law ; but yet, by that pardon , he is not made , nor accounted to be one, who never broke the Law, & there upon hath a right unto the reward promifed: As (fuppofing for illuftrations fake) when a Prince maketh a Law, &commandeth fuch & fuch perfons to obey the fame , under the paine of death ; &with all promifeth to fuck , as obferve the Law , and do what is commanded, that they shall enjoy a rich reward , & become heirs of a great Kingdom; and the perfons,after they have broken the Law and become guilty of death , are pardoned, upon the Inteipofition of fome great per- fon, & Satisfaction made by the fame for the failure; they cannot,upon the account of this Satisfaction,& their pardon thereupon , be Paid ro have done what was commanded , nor to have right untó the reward, & to the Inhe- ritance, promifed to fuch as obeyed the Law. (2) Therefore , though a perfon, that is pardoned, be one that is not unrighteous, that is, obnoxious to