516 Arguments againfl Univerfal Redemption. teoufnefs, in the figs of God be accounted juft & good , as would become the Sones of God to be : but the Righteoufnefs of Chrift is true & perfett Righteoufnefs , which every way pleafeth God's eyes , in which is no- thing that can difpleafe God, & doth,not highly pleafe him : Therefore we mutt only leane to this certaine & liable thing, and beleeve, that for it alone we are jufii&d before God ; that is, accounted Righteous, and fo called. This is the Precious Treafure, which who findeth, he felleth all he bath, & buyeth it. Yea this he confirmeth afterward by Experience laying, Inde eft, quod pro experimento vidernus virtu SanEtOr , qui quanto magi; in veritato pro ficiunt , tanto minus ibi placent ; ac propterea tanto magi: intelligent fè indzgere Chrifto d7 jujritiaChrifìi fibidonara; ¡deoque fe relinquunt, l9 (oliChri fie rncumbunt: Lc non obearnacciditcaufam, quod falli Jàntliores minus videant quarn prialr; negrtequia falli funtanimodimifoa'ivelviliori; imo quanto reagir in fanilitate profettant, tanto majore fired amino, tanto pint perfpicaciores. i. e. Hence it is , that by experience we fee, holy men , how tardier they advance in the truth , pleafe themfelves the lets, & therefore do more undetftand, that they have need of Chrill , & of his Righteoufnefs given unto then : where- fore they relinquish themfelves ; and leane upon Chrift alone : This co- meth not to paffe, becaufe they become of 'a more bafe & Law fpirit : Yea the further they advance in holinefs, they are of greater fpirits, & fee mo- re clearly. Arguments againft Univerfal Redemption. AS concerning the point of Univerfal R,edemptìon, we finde various fentiments, or various` explications of the matter, given to us by Adverfaries; for they do nof all agree in their apprehenfìons of the thing. Some explaine the matter thus, God Pent his only begotten Son to be a Redeemer and Propitiator for Adam and all his Potierity ; who by his death did pacific an angry God , and redore Mankinde to their loft inheri- tance; foas all , who are now condemned, are not condemned for their former fins and guilt; for Chrifl hath abundantly fatisfied for thefe; but for their Unbeleef, for not beleeving in the Redeemer of the world, and for reje&ing the Reconciliation made , & the grace of God declared in the word. And thus, they muff fay, that Chrill hath died for all finnes, but Unbeleefe; and that falvation Both nor certainly follow upon this Reconci- liation ; and fo that it is rather a Reconciliablenefs , than a Reconciliation ; and they muff neceffarily txraintaine , that this matter is revealed unto all and every fon of.ldarn, who otherwife cannot be guilty of Rejecting this recon° ci.