Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

Arguments 4gainff Univerfal Redemption. 517 ci iation , other wayes it shall be of no advantage to them ; unlefs they fay, that the want of the Revelation putteth them out ofa capacity of being guil- ty ofUnbeleefe; and fo they mutt neceffarilybe faved; and thus their con- dition shall be undoubtedly better , than is the condition of filch, as hear the Gofpel; and then the revelation of the Gofpel shall be no Favour , but a Pre- judice rather. And in reference to this , they devife an Univerfal Antece- danious Love, w hereby_ God , out of his Infinite Gooduefs, was inclined to delir a the happinefs and falvation of every mothers ton ; and therefore to fend his Son to die for : as if God had filch Natural & Neceffary Inclina- tions; and as if all his Love to Mankinde, and every appointment of his concerning us , were not the free at of his good pleafure; and as if there were any filch Antecedent & Conditional will in God , that could or might have no iffue or accomplishment, but as Lord Freewil would and as if the Love that Pent Chrift,were only filch a Poor Conditional Inclination towards all Mankinde , which the Scripture holdeth forth , as the greateft of Loves, & as the ground or all the EFf'e is & Grants , which mans tul! Salvation ca1-- leth for. But why.could not this Love effeäuat the good of all ? Therefore, they tell us, that Justice being injured by fin , unlefs it were fatished , that Love of God , whereby he wisheth well to all finners, could effe &uat no thing, as to the recovery of any : & upon this ground they imagine , Chrift wasfent to make an Univerfal Atonement; & to , juflice , being fatisfied , might not (karat the falvation of any, whofe Freewill would content unto termes of new to be propofect. i Others hold forth the -matter thus [ Chrift , according-to the eternal 2 Counfel of God , did properly die for this end , and by his propitiatory fa- 0 crifice obtaine , that all and every man , whobeleeve in Him, should for his fake aEtually obtaine Remiffion of fins, & Life Eternal; but others, in cafe they would Repent & Beleeve., might obtaine it. ] But thuswe hear no word ofChriRs obtaining any thing to any in particular; no word of his obtaining Faith & Repentance: and what Counfel of God can this be, to fend Chrift to die for perfàns , upon that condition > which he knew they would not & could not performe ? And what by this meanes hash Chrifts Propitia- tory Sacrifice obtained more , than a meeepoflrbility of falvation , to either one or other ? Shall we imagine , that God defigneth good to perfons , who shall never enjoy it ? Or that God hath Conditional Intentions & Defignes ?- By this means, ChriRs death was defigned , and no perfon defigned thereby to he faved, yea Chrift should be defigned to die , and ;hat for no certain end, unlefs tó'procure a meer poflibility , by flopping the mouth of juftice , 'S that it should not Rand in the way : but then we can not fay , that God fent Chrift to die for any man , much lefs for all. Others exprefs the matter thus [ Chrift, out of the gracious Decree & 3 ;, Purpole of God, did undergoe death, that he might procure & obtaine ! Reconciliation with God for all (inners whatfomever, without any differen- ce , before that God would open againe the door of falvation , & enter in- to a new Covenant of Grace with (inners.] But this Reconciliation hath no t; .mare force,. or import,. but that God might enter againe Law a Covenant T t t 3 wità