Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

513 Arguments itgatztfi Umverfal .Redetnpttora, with finners : and fothere is no AEtual Reconciliation of finners unto God. And all that is obtained , is for God, & nothing for man , lave a Pollibility of Salvation by a new Covenant ; nor are we told , whetherChrill hath fa- tisfied for the breach of the Firft Covenant fo that that fin is fully pardoned unto all ; or not , until' the condition of the fecond Covenant be performed: nor are we told , upon what account the fins againft the fecond Covenant are pavdoned ; Or if they be unpardonable. .4. . Others explaine the matter thus [ Chrift died for all and every man , not only that God might , without any violation of Juflice , enter into a new Covenant with (inners upon what condition he pleafed ; but that it should be upon this Condition , that man should be united with Chrift the Cautio- ner : and not only , that Redemption & Salvation should be pof1ble to all, bt;tthat really & moll certainly Salvation should be bellowed on fuch , as Chritl thought good. j ButfeingChrifl knew that his death would profite none, but thefefew , whom he had defigned, , to what purpofe should he have laid downe his life for the reft ? And how can his death be a price of Redemption for the ref' ? How can Chrift be laid to fati fie fort he reft ? Did he purchafe Faith to thefe few ; and would he not purchafe Fith to the ref}, & yet lay downe the great price for them ? What was the end obtained for the reti ? was it only a Poffible Call of all,. Juffice bein fatisfied ? But of what import could that Pofl'ible Call be, if Salvation" was not alto poffible unto them ? And whereunto is that Call ? They will not fay , it is Tinto Sal- vation , but to Faith : But did not Chrifl know , that this call would not be obeyed by them ? Did he procure Grace untó them , to obey it ? then he procured Faith , and it he procured Faith , than he' procured Salvation. Againe , if Juftice be fatisfied for thefe others , _why are they not liberar ? If they fay, the new'Condition is not fulfilled. Then it cann? t be limply laid, that Chrift fatisfied juflice on their behalfe , for he knew before hand , that thefe would not Performe the new Condition; how can he then be fuppofed to die forthem "notwithftanding? Thus we fee what difference is among men , that hold Univerfal Redem- ption , about the-Proper & immediat Bad & Aime , of the purpofe ofGod, in fending Chrift'ro die; and of Chrift in comeing to die : and how, for the molt part, itcorneth all to little , or nothing : for it was, faith Arminius, That God might fave finners , what way it pleated Him , his uflice., which flood in the way , being fatisfied , or as Corvinas : That God might will to fave finners d,^ That Chrift intended by his death, to make fuch fatisfat1ton to ju fltce , as that he might obtaino to him felf power of f aving upon what Condition the Father pleated. And thus Chrift is laid to have obtained Reconciliation & Redemption to all , not that they should aOuaìly be partakers thereof, but that God , his juflice now being fatisfied , might prefcribe a Condition, which when they had performed , he might & would a&lually make them partakers thereof Some fay , that all men are put into a new Covenant, in which Adam was a common perfon , as well , as in the old , by vertue whe- reof , 'none shall be damned that do not fin actually againft the Condition , & fall thereby from that new Rate, whereunto they are borne. And this opi- nion