Arguments again]? Univerfal Redemption. ß z 9 nion differethi not much frprn that of gacobus Andreae at the conference at Momfelgard , which afterward Huberus maintained ( as &intedanciur she- weth, -iu his refurat.ion ofthe fame) which was short , [ That Chrift fuffered&-died for all, none excepted Effed}aally, and obtained for all a Reconciliation , without any refpect to Faith ,, or Unbeleefe'; fo that all who receive this Reconciliarion & continue in it , shaft be faved, but as to thofe who ref :de it by unbeleef , it is made null , and they perish. ] Others fay , [ That Chria by his fatisfaction removed Original fin in all , lo that all Infants , dying in infancy, are undoubtedly faved. ] Others [ that he died for all finnes alike , but conditionally. ] fay , [ that after the pric_ , it was abfolutely undetermined, what condition should'be t re- fcribed; 'fo as God might have re- eftablished the Covenant of works : ] O- thers , [ that the procuring of a new way was part of the fruit of Chriít's death. ] As for this condition , forne fay , [ that man can performe it with the help of fuch meanes, as God affordeth to all ] and thus eftablish the Da- na of Freewill. But others [ affert the neceflityof grace flowing from ele- c`tion hereunto , ] and fodeftroy Univerfal Redemption , which yet they af- fert. Só that fome fay [ Chrift died for all Conditionally , if they beleeve] Making the Act the calfe of its own objet`(; for Faith with them is a belee- ving that Chrift died f>rthem. Some fay [ that he died for all Abfol,ately ; Yelifo as they par take not of the benefice, until they performe the Condi- tion , which was to be prefcribed ; ] and.thus they affirme , that Chrift did no more fuftaine the perlons of the Eleát , than of the Reprob'at , but of all alike. If we enquire th :refare , what was the Immediat Refult,& Product of the death of thrift , they agree not to tell°us , whether it was a Power , or a Will, or aX;tght, to God , to fave any he pleafed. However all the Arminian: & Camero with them agre,r in this. That Chrift did not purchafe faith for any : and that as to all ( fayfome) oras to the rnoft part ( fay others) Chrift hath only procureda Pof ability of Salvation: And what is this Pofïibility ? Some call it an Exemption from that neeeffity of perishing , under which they came by the violation of the former Cove - nant, if a fatisfa>tion had nor interveened; and by this Exemption , they fay, it corneal to paffe that Chrift , if he will , juflice being now fatisfied , may bring All to life : Andhere$y alto, fay they, all maybe faved, if they will : Bit what is this elfe then a meer Poffibility ? What efficacy bath it, Icing notwithi anding thereof, all may perish againì: ? They fay , it is really Ef ficaciousas to this Pof ..bility, Which was not, before luftice was fatisfi : But yet ipotwithftanding of this Efficacious Poflìbility , it might come to paffe, that not one should have been faved : for how can falvation be polfble with - out faith ? So that if faith be not hereby purchafed`, it would feem , that Sal- vation is not poflible. And further, it doth hereby appear, that all which is procured; is but frame po ver to God & to Chrift; But what is mans advan- tage ? They fay , That a way to lif ,is opened'unro man , that fo he may n.owcorrte to Go; by Faith & Repentance. But how can he come, who bath no power to Btleeve or Repent , t iahout grace ? Or is it in corrupt mans power to Beleeve or Repent ? What