5 3 to Arguments again/ Univerfat Redemption. What that truth is , which we (land for , is plainly & fully enough let downein feveral places of Our Confeffìonof Faith : as Chap. 3. §. 6, As God bath appointed the elect unto glory ; fo bath he , by the Eternal and moil free purpofe of his Will , fore ordained all the meaner thereunto. Wherefore they who are E/eEled being fallen in Adam, are redeemed by Chrifi , areeffelluallycalled unto faith in Chrifi by his Spirit , working in dite fea fon; are tufli fied Adopted , SanEli fled, d" Neeped by his power through faith unto falvation. Neither are other Redeemed by Chrtfl, effElually Called , ¡uf? died, Adopted , Santlifted e Saved ; but the Fled only. So Chap. 8. §. L. It p /eaféd God , in his eternal purpofe , to chofè & ordains the LordJef us, bis only begotten Son , lobe the mediator betweenGod e man. -Un- to whom he did from all eternity give a people to be his feed , and to be by him in time Redeemed , Called , 3uflified , Santli fled e Glorified. And ibid. §. 5. The Lord efua by h:- perfeE obedience d5 facrificeofhirnfelf; which he through the eternal Spirit , once offered up unto God, bath fully fatis fled the Jiice of his Father, d? purchafed , not only Reconciliation , but an Everlaf sting inheritance in the Kiingdom ofbeaven, fur all thole , whom the Father hathgiven into him. So ibid. §. 'aft, To all thole , for whom Chrift bath purchafed RZedemption, he doth certanely and tile- tivally apply d? communicate the fame , snaking inrerceOïon for them , & revea- ling unto them, in e by the word , the myßcries of falvation , eff flual /y per f¡oa- ding them byhit Spirit to beleeve & obey ; and governing their hearts by his word dó Spirit , overcomJng ail their enemies by hit Almighty power do. wifdom , on fich manne -r d? waycs , as are mofi confònant to hit wonderful d? unfearchable difpenfa- tions. Our judgment is this , in short , That Ch rift , according to the good pleafure of his Father, laid downe his life a Ranfbnn.e for thepledonly. who were given to him tofave from Wrath, and Deft ration ; and by that price purchafed Salvation , & all the Meanes necefiary thereunto , for them only to whom in due time, & after the method , which he thinketh befi, doch effe&ually apply the fame unto them, .& actually fave them. Though grounds (efficient , confidering the places of Scriptures, annexed in the margine of the Confeffìon, confirming all , aye clearly hinted & laid downe, in thefe .palfages cited; yet I shall , with what brevity is poffible, point forth our grounds in plaine termes. And (t.) The Scripture is full & plaine, in holding forth a Covenant betwixt Jehova, and the Mediator, a tranfadton concerning man ; or the .purpofes of God concerning the Salva- tionof Ulan, in way of mutual Çompaa; both for our better underítau- ding of that fol ide ground of our Peace & Hope , & for the 'confirming of our flaggering & weak Faith. And though the full explication & confirmation hereof , would , I judge , fully undermine & deftt oy the rotten grounds of Socinianr &.lfrminianr , and of all , who -are for the Diana of Freewill, and enemìe,s to the Grace of God; yea I cannot dgreffe thereunto here; and shall only referre (och, as would fee the fame confirmed , unto Mr. Did(- font Therapcutica fzcra, & Mr. Rutherfords bcok upon the Covenant. Taking it therefore for granted, till what is by thefe Worthies Paid anent it, be con- futed; and finding, that Arminius hitnfelf in his Orat. deSacerdotio Chriflr, faith, there was a Covenant betwixt the Lord & Chrifi, I shall but shortly inferre therefrom , That it is repugnant to reafon , to fay, that the refult of that