Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

1 534 Arguments againfl Univerfal Redemption. mentioned in Scripture, we shall fee that it was form other thing, than a meer Poflible Delivery & Redemption, common to all mankinde. Mat. S: I I. He came to fave that which was lot? ; and not to make their falvatio meet- ly poflìble ; for if that were all , Chrifts- argument should have had no ftrength : So I. Tim. i z ÿ. - efus Chrifi came into the world to fave firmer; : iftt were a meer poßïbility, that might nevertake- effe&, how should this faithful faying be worthy of all acception; So Luk. 19: to where the mat- ter is exemplified in.2accheus Mat. 1: zi. the reafon of the name jefus, given to the Redeemer is, becaufe he shall fave his people from their pines , t hat is , Actually & Really , and not Potentially or Poffibly only : and this cannot be meaned of all ; for he faveth not the Reprobat from their fins ; atleafl, not from the ftn.ofunbeleef, by theconfefrion of Adverfaries ; But here, no fin is excepted , and therefore is his death reflriEted to his people, whom he faveth from all their Graves. Heb. 2: 14, 15. there is another end of his death mentioned,vi,f. that he might deflroy him that had the power ofdeath, that is the devil , and deliver them , who through fear of death , were all their lift time fubjefi to bondage. This was no meer Poffible Deliverance,' butAc`tual & Ef- fedual ; and it was not common to all ; for it is reflriEled to his Brethren verf, II, 12, t 7. and to (ones 13. & to the children which God gave him verf. 13, 14. & to the Seed of Abraham verf 16. and againe verf. 17. wherefore in all things it behoved him to be make like unto his brithren , that be night be a Merciful if Faithfull High Priefi in things pertaining to God , to make reconciliation for the people. Behoved Chrifl to be a Merciful & Faithful High Priea in things per- taining to God , only to make a Pofble Reconciliation , whereby it might b, that not one perfon should be reconciled? & are the Reprobate his bre- then ? Ephef. 5: 2S, 26. To what end did Chrift give himfelf for his Church? ( And all the world of mankinde belong not to his Church. ) pIt was that be might f antlifie d?' cleanfe it with the washing ofwater , by the word, that he might prefent it to himfelfaglorteus Church , not having fpotor wrinkle, or any fu eh thing, but that it sheuld be holy and without blemish. Is this a meer Polìibihry ? Then might Chrift have died , & have no Church to prefent to himfelf faire & fppotlefs : his Church might have remained full of fpots & wrinkles, unholy & full of blemishes, yea should have been no Church. Tit. 2: 14. He gave himfelffor us, that he might redeem ut from all iniquity , and purifie unto him - felfa peculiar people .Tealous of good morns. Do all the wotid belong to his pecu- liar people? doth Chrift redeem all the world from all iniquity ? Is all the world purified &made zealous of good works ? Or is all this meer maybe, which may not be ? z. Corinth. ç. verf. 21. He hash made him to be finfor us , who knew no fin, that we might be made the Itighteoufnefe of God in him. Was Chrift made fin , or a facrifice for fin , that all the world might poßîbly be made the Righteoufnefs of God in him ? that is, that poffìbly not one per - fon might be made the Righteoufnefs of God in him ? who can dream thus, that God's intentions & defignes should be foloofe & fruflrable, & that God should be fo uncertain in his purpofes ?Gal. 1 :4. why did the Lord Jefus give himfelf for our linnes ? It was , that he might deliver :us from this prefent evil world, according to the will of God and our father. This is no Potlihle De-