Arguments again"! Univerfal Redemption. 535 Deliverance ; and it is fuch as was defigned not for all the world ,.but for the ur, there mentioned So Chap. 4: 4., ç. -- God Tent forth his fon, made of a woman , made under the Lau' , to redeem them that were under the Law , that we might receive the adoption of (ones. This Real Benefite is tnanif'eftly here re- ftricked. lob. 17:19. for their fake,' I fantlify my felf , that they alfo may be fan - ttiliedthrough the truth , Chrift fancttfied hirnfelf, to be an oblation , not to obraine a meer may be ; but that they , for whofe fakes he did'fanctifie him- felf, that is , they that were given to hire verf. 6 :9. and were his owne verf. so. & were in due time to beleeve in him verf.2o.) might Really & Actually be Sanctified through him. Lieb. 13: 12. wherefore did Jefus fuffer without the gate ? it was , that ho might fana:fre the people with his own bloud ; fure , this is more , than a may be. I(om. ;: zs, 26. Why did God fet forth Chrift to be a propitiation? It was to declarehis Righteoufnefr, for the rerniffion of fin - nes that are pall , that he might be juji, and the jufli fier of hire , that beleeveth in ¡efùs : a Certaine Real thing. Many woe paffages might be added to this purpofe , but thefe may fuffice, to difcover the abfurd falshco.i of this .do ¿trine. Adde (6.) fuch patfages, as mention the ActuaiAccomplishment & Ef- fect of Chrift's death , where it will yet more appear , that this was no meere may be , or Poflible thing , but that which was to have a certaine Being & Reality as to the perfons , for whom it was defigned ; Such as Heb. 1: 3. -- when he had by himfelf purged our firmer. Can their finnes be laid to be purged , who pine away in hell for ever , becaufe of their finnes ? could this be true , if no man bad been faved ? and yet , if it had been a mere poffible & may be Redemption , it might have corne to pafíe , that not one perfon should have beenactually faved. So Heb. 9: 12. - by his owne blood he entered in once into the holy place , having obtained eternal redemption. Is a meer poffible Redemption to be called an eternal Redemption? and was that all that Chrift obtained ? Then Chrift's blood was more ineffectual in the truth , than the type was, in its typicaluefs; for the blood ofbïsls & goats, and the ashes of an hiefer fpr,nklirig the unclean , did not obraine a poffible and may - be fanffification, and purifying of the flesh; but did actually & really fantlifyto the purifjing of the flesh verf. 13. Againe verf. 14. ( which alfo confirrneth- what is now faid) how much more shall the blood ofChrijl , who through the eter- nal Spirit offered leimfelfwithout foot to God, purge your confcience from dead works, to ferve the livingGod. So that all Inch , for whom he offered himfelf, and shed his blood, and none elfe, have their confciences purged from dead works, to ferve the living God: and who dar fay , that this is common to all , or is a meer may be, which the Apoftle both reftritteih & afferteth , as a molt cet tai ne real thing ; Againe verf. 26. - but now once in the end of the world, bath he appeared , to put away fin, by the facrifice of himfelf. So that he did A &ually & Really , and not Poflibly & Potentially Only , put away fn ; the fin vii. ofthofe , for whom he was a facrifice , even of them, that loot; for him, and to whom he shall appear the fecond time, without fin unto verf, 28. and lure, no man in his wits will fay , that this is the whole world; Gal. 3: 13. Cbrifl barb redeemed ut from v vCraft of the Law t being made a curie 3 r: