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4 What myfierres in juf1ification. C H A P. 6. to the penalty ; yet he is not one that is righteous pofitively , or in reference to the reward ; but only one that is negatively righteous ; that is, one that though he bath no right to the reward, yet he is not liable to the punishment: and therefore , though he be thus negatively not unrighteous , that is , one that is freed from the punishment; yet he cannot be accounted one, that hath done all that was commanded; & fo he cannot be accounted Righteous, in reference to the reward. (3) So that there is a tnanifeft mids betwixt being righteous , that is , one having a right to the reward , and being not unrighteous , that is , not obnoxious to the punishment as is clear by the Instance of Adam before his fall ; for during that time (how long , or how short fo ever it was) he could not be Paid to be unrighteous , becaufe he had not yet finned ; nor could he be laid to be righteous , in reference to the reward , that was promifed , on condition of perfect obedience to the end ; that is , fuch as had done all his duty : for if he had then done all his duty, or all that was required , in order to the reward , he had then had a full and compleat right to the reward of life promifed , & God would have given it to him , according to the Covenant and Promife. But we know it was not fo ; for he was to finish his courfe & run his race to the end , before he could have challenged a right to the promifed inheritance ; and this he did not. So that before he fell by tranfgreffion , it might have been laid of him , that he was not unrighteous , that is , that he was one that had not yet tranfgref fed , and deferved the punishment threatned ; but he could not be Paid to have been fully & pofitively righteous , that is one, that had done all his du- ty; and therefore had now a full & compleat right unto the reward. (4) It is true, the Scripture faith, that the man is blefed , to whom the Lord doth net impute fin: but it doth not fay , That he is bleffed to whom the Lord only imputeth not fin , or to whom Ile giveth no more : nor doth the Scrip -°p ture fay ,.,that this pardoning, or not imputing of fin , purely & abftractive.. ly confidered, that is , confidered alone without any more (as it mutt be confidered by fuch, as oppofe us here) is that compleat bleffednefs , where- of the Scripture fpeaketh. But the reafon , why Inch are laid to be bleffed, to whom the Lord doth not impute fin , is, becaufe Imputation ofrighte- oufnefs is infeparebly annexed with non imputation of fin : & therefore in that fame place of Scripture ; to wit , R,pm. 4.6. It is Paid , that David P fal. 3 2: i, z.. defcribeth the bleffednefs of the man, unto whom God imputeti, righteouf- nefts, while he faith, blelTed is the man, unto whom the Lord willnot impute fn, arc. Thereby we fee, that both thefe are fo firmly connected by the Lord, that the one cleareth and confirmeth the other; & that who ever bath the one, hath the other alfo; and upon that account are blefied, en- joying the whole Effect of the Imputation of Chrifts whole Surety- righte- oufnefs : and thefe two , to wit, pardon of fins , and the Right to the Inhe- ritance, flowing from the Imputation of Chrifis Satisfaction, & of His o- bedience , though they are never feparated , yet they are diltinguished , & fpoken of diftinétly in Scripture. It is one thing to be delivered from under the Law , & another thing to receive the Adoption of Sones, and the blef- uingof Abraham, GaI, 3 : T3, 14. & 4: 4, 5. As itisone thing to finish the Tran-