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536 Arguments again( Univer fal Redemption. for us. 14. That the blefing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through ref &t Chrifi , that we might receive the prornije of the Spirit , through faith. Here are three Ends & EfleCts of Chrift's Redemption mentioned , which no Man will fay , are common to all vit. Redemption from the Curfèofthe Law ; and this was Really, & not potentially only done, by Chrtft's being madea curie for us; the Communication of the blejfing ofAbraham , and the Promife of the Spirit, which are enfured to fuch as are Redeemed from the Curie of the Law , and to none elle. So Ephef. 2: 13 , 14, I S, t6. But now inChrif le- fur ye , who fometimes were afar off, are made nigh by the blood of Chrifi ; for he is our peace , who hath ruade both one , and hash broken down the middle wall of partition between to ; having abolished in his flefh the enmity , the Law ofcotn- mandements in ordinances; pr to make to hirnfèlfof twain one new man , fo making peace; and that he might reconcile both unto God , in one body , _ by the crof'e , ha- ving flame the enmity thereby. To which adde the parallel place Col. I: zI, 2z. &.2: 14, I. was all this delivery from ' rash, Enmity , Law of comman- dements & whatever was againfi us , but a meer Potential thing , and a may be, common to all, in whofe power it was to caute it take effect , or not , as they pleafed ? Efai. 53: S. He was wounded for our tranfgreff ons , be was brui- fed f r our iniquities, the chat ifement of our peace was upon him , and with his firipes we are healed with 1. Cor. 15:3. - Chrifi died for our linnet & i. Pet. 2: 24. who his owne felf bear our 'inner in his own body , on the tree -- by whole flripes we are healed ; How can we then imagine , that all this was a meer may be feing he was fo bruifed for our iniquities , fo died for out fins , fo bear our linnes, in his own body ; as that thereby all, in whole room he flood , are healed by his flripes ? The Apoflle doth moreover fully clear this matter, Rom. y 6. - Chrifi died for the ungodly : was this for all ? Or,-was it to have an uncertaine End & effeâ ? No, verf. 9. much mere then being now juflified by his blood, we shall be faved from wrath through him. The ungodly and the (inners, for Whom he died ; are fuch as become juflified by his blood , & shall at length be fully faved from wrath. And againe verf: to. for if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God , by the death ofhis fon ; much more being reconciled, we shall be faved by his life : Upon his death followeth Reconciliation with God , & then Salvation ; and his death is for no more than his life is for. By him alfa they receive an atonement verf. I 1. As the confequences & effeéls of Adam's fin did Certainly, and notbya may be, redowndto all , that he reprefenred & engadged for; fo the fruites & effeáls of Chrifl's death do as certainly co- me unto fuch , as are his as the Apoflle cleared' , in the following verfes , laying the advantage on the fide of Chiifl his ; verf. rç. -- much more the Grace of God , and the gift by grace, b) one man tefus Chrift , hath abounded unto many, verf. 16. - -but the free gift is of many offences, unto ju(lification,verf.27.- much more they , which receive abundance of grace and of the Gift of Righteoufnefs, shall reigne in life , by one lefus Chrifl, vcr[. 18. -- even fo by the Righteouf nefs of one, the free gift carne upon all Men to jufii fication of life , verf 19. fo by the obedience of one shall many be made Righteous, verf. 21. -- fo might grace reizne, through Righteoufnefs unto eternal life, by refus Chrif , cur Lord. Is all this a Common thing, anda nicer may be, or Pofibiltty ? lob. io; ix. he giveth bit