Arguments againfi Univerfál Redemption. $31 his life for his sheep &vcrf. 15 . B,3t may they for all that perish ? NO in no wife verf. 2S. and 1 give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish He carne that they might have life and ns.tghe have it more abundantly , verf. i o. To the fame purpofe he faith Joh. 6: 3 that he giveth l,fe unto the world , not fuch a life , fure, as may never qui.ken any. Upon Chrift's death doth the ApoftleinfetreIom. S: 32. that the Elect shall have all things, & verf 33, 34, ;5. that they are free from all Accufations, or any Hazard therefrom , being juflified, and having Chrilts Death , Refurreätion, and Interceffion to fecure them at all hands ; & thereupon they have affurance , that noshing shallfeparate them from the love of God. a. lo: 2S. Chtift hath purchafed a Church with his own blood. The whole world is not this Church ; nor is this purchafe an uncertane may be ; And all this R-'al & Certaine Effect of Chrift's death , was foretold by Daniel Chap. 9: 24. - -- to finish the tranfgre- fion, and to make an end of fns , and to snake reconciliation for iniquity , and to bring in everlaflin- Righteoufnefs, &c. And who can imagine , that this is Uni- verfal,or Uncertane ? If we will (7.) Confider forne other Ends of the death of Chrift , which the Scripture pointeth forth , which are not to be found among Heathens, or any except the few Chofen ones , Ordained to life , we shall fee , how unreafonable the Adverfaries are. Gal.4: 5. Chrift died to redeem them that were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption of fones.Was this end,& : t fruit left at an Uncertanty Shall we think), that Ch:ift might have died & yet,one man receive this Adoption ? Was this Adoption purchafed upon an uncertain Condition ? Or was this purchafed equally for all ? Then fuck as received it, might have thanked their owne well natured Freewill , upon that account. But let us confider forne other fruits. Gal. r: 4. who gave him- felf for our fins , that he might deliver us from this prefent evil world. S3 i. Pet. 2: 24. He beatour fins , in his own body , on the tree : but for what end That we being dead tú fin, should live unto Righ. teou fnefs : & Chap. 3: t S. Chri for fins, the juft for the unjufl : To what end and purpofe? To bring us to God. Heb. io: i o. 67 the which trill We are fanttifred. How came this to paffe ? Through the offering of the body of jef is Chrifl , once for all , So he fuffe- red without the gare , that he might lanftiff the people Chap. 13: U. Revel, r: S, 6. -- he loved us , and trashed us from our fins in his owne blood. But was this all? No, it is added, And hat!, made us Kings 17'Prieflt unto God , and his Fa- ther. So Ch. rr : 9, i o. -- thou was flain and haft redeemed us to God , by thy blood; and what more ? And haft made us unto our God Rings d7 Prie is, So 2. Cor. 5 : 15. He died f,r all : But for what end and purpofe ? That they which live , should-not henceforth live unto tI,emfeiver , but unto hurt, which died fa them , and ro fe againe See Col, is 22. Thefe & the like paffages dò clear - ly pointe forth a fpecial end of Chrift's Death , which was defigned both by the Father , that fens him , & by himfelf: and shall we fuppofe, that this great & chiefedeligne was made to hang upon the lubrick & uncertain will of man ? Shall Chrift b° beholden to mans good will for the purchafe he made , at fo dear a rate-? knot., why are not all theft: ends attained , in all, for whom lae died ? Did Chrifl fail in laying down the Ranfome ? Or doth not the Fa- ther