Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

55 Arguments againf Univer fal Redemption. ther keep condition ? Who can fay either ofthefe ? Then fetrely, there can be no reafon to fay , that Chrift.made an uncertain bargain , & purchafed on- ly a Poflibility of t-hefe fruires , which he knew-not if ever he should attaine,. in any one ; Nor to fay, that he died for all. Let us further (8.) take notice : That for whom Chrift died, he died to take away their fins; And that fo , as they may be fully Pardoned , & never brought on reckoning againe : that is , that they be Remitted & Pardoned ; and that t h <; poor (inner may not fufer therefore. This fore muff be the im port of that prayer , forgive uc our trefpa/es. If then Chrift by his death bath taken away fin, and purged it away , making fatisfadion ro juftice therefo- re , how can we think , that juftice can punish the finner in hell fire, for thefe fame fnnes ? But let us fee, what the Scripture faith , i, fob. 3: S... he was manif fled to to ie array our fins. Ephef i s 7.. we have redemption in hit .btcod: what Redemption ? forç_ivenefs offins , according to the riches of hisgra- ce. So l kewifeCol. I: 14. Now when finnesare thus Laken away , they are blottedout, & not remembered Efai. 43: 2T. ter. 31: 34. Heb. â: i2. Yea they are blotted out as a cloud, and as a thick cloud Efai 44.:22. So they are Paid to be fubdued , & caflen into the depths of the fea. Mica. 7: 19. Shall we 'low -fay that Chrift hath died , to purchafe this Redemption , the Forgivenefs & blotting out , as a thick cloud, and calling into the depths of the Pea , of fin ; and yet multitudes of tbofe, for whom this was purchafed , and that . t by the blood of God, should never obtaine this benefice , but have all their formic 111QtA. owne fcoe ? This fo pincheth the Adverfaries, that the bell evafion they can fall upon , is ro fay , that none shall have Original fin charged upon them : But the Scripture no where reihidleth this Remiflion to that fin only. Others therefore fay , That no fin now shall be be charged upon any , but the fin of Unbeleef. Then ?lilts doth not fuffer to day , for betraying his matter : was it for this fin only that the Old World was drowned ; or that the Cities ofSodorn are fuffering the vengeance of eternal rte ? Jude feemeth to fay fome other thing verf. 7. fo are there other finsthere reckoned up verf. 8, 9, 0, r 1, 12. to which is refereed the blaknefs of dar(nefs for erìer , ver f 13. But forne lay, that thefe are all but pardoned upon condition. Then the Redemption is neither Actual & Real , nor Complrat , but a poor may be, and a may not be : and how can fuch fins be Paid to he forgiven or blotted out , and caflen behinde God's back , and into the depths of the Pea ? Did Chrift know, whether or not this condition would be performed ? If nor, then Ile is not the ornnìfcient God. If he knew , that it would not be per- formed by the greareft part, how can we ifrogine, that he would notwith- ltanding lay downe his life to purchafe a Remiflion for them ? And how can we think, that He should purchafe a Pardon to all , and let the event hang upon the pendulous tottering will of a frnfull creature ? But as to that Condi- tion , we shall. Propofe (9.) this confederation. The not performance of that Condition wasnodoubt a fin, and if Chrift died for all the firmes of the world, he, ,died for that too: And if he died for that too, that is taken out of the way, or there mutt be another Condition imagined, upon performance of which, that