Arguments ttgainfl Univerfal Redemption 539 thatis to be taken our of the way ; and the non- performance of this Condi- tion being allo a fin,ourpropofition will recutre upon this,and fo ininfrnitum: but if this fin be taken out of the way , it cannot prejudge them of the pardon of the reif : and thus all their fins being pardoned , they muff needs be faved and yet it is not fo. But it is faid , that Chrift died not for the fin of Final Unbeleef; yet it feemeth , that it will he granted , that he died even for the fin of Unbeleefe of all the world , and for unbeleefe continued in , until the lafl houre ofa mans life; but nor for that Taft aä; which yet is but the fame Unbeleefe continued in an hour longer ; and shall we think , that Chrift ba- re the Unbeleefeof 2o, ¢o, 60. or moe yeers , in his body , on the croffe , & not the fame Unbeleefe for one houre or ha'.fe houre , yea or quarter of an houre ? Who Teeth not, how little ground there is for an imagination ? But the thing I would have mainly here confidcred , is this. That for whofe finnes Chrift hath died , be bath died, for all their fins ; and therefore , if he died for the finnes cf all the world , he died for the Final Unbeleefe of all the world : But this will not be granted ; therefore neither can it be Paid , that he died for the finnes of all men. W hofe finnes he took upon him to make fatisfar~tion for , he left none for them to anfwere for ; for he is a corn- pleat Mediator , and is foie Mediator. If he died for all the refit of the fin- nes of the Reprobat, and of the whole world , why not for that allo ? Sure, when the Scripture fpeaketh of Chrifts taking away of fin, and of the Re- deinprion, that is , forgivenefs of fins , which people enjoy through him there is no fin excepted , He was wounded for our tranJgreßïons , he was brui fed for our iniquities Efa. 3: S. the Lord laid on him the iniquiy of us all verf. 6. or made the iniquitieof us all to meet on him; there is no ground for any ex- ception here : when he was firicken fortranfgrefron verf. 9. and his foul was made an offering for fin, verf: Io. is there any appearance of the exception of any one fin ? when he bear their fin and their iniquities verf. Ir, I2. what inti- mation is given e.f an exception of auy ? Yea , if this exception was to be ma- de , which would null & deftroy all , what confolation could the declaration of this Redemption, reiniffion of fins , yeeld unto poor (inners ? Col.:: 14. Ephef 1: 7. When the Lord made himtobefin for ur, was it only in part? 'low then could we be made the R?ghteoufnefr of God in Him 2.Cor. 5: 21 ? was the Lord in Chrift reconcileingthe world unto himfelf, not imputing only part of their trelpaífes to them ? but the imputing of one fin would mar the reconciliation for ever. Is not final unbeleefa dead work ? Dori less; yet the blood of Chrift purgeth Confciences frorn dead works Heb. 9: 14. Did the blood of buts & goats fo fanttify , as to the purifying of the flesh , as to leave the molt defileing fpot of all untaken away ? How could healing come by his ',tripes, if he bear but part °four fins, in his body on the tree, feing final unbeleefalone would mar all ? for where that is, there is no coming to God imaginable. But moreover , the Scripture tels us , that the blood of Je- fus Chrift hi, Son cleanfeth us from all fin i. JAI: 7. and that if any man fin' there is an Advocat with the Father, who is a propitiation for fins, ;t. fob. 2: verf. 1, 2. and fo mutt be for all fins , otherwayes there were little ground of com- fort here : And it was foretold by Daniel Chap. 9:14. that he; shouldmake an send of fan, & finish the tranfgref an, &f o bbring - in everlafling ßßighteoufnefr. x X $both