540 Argumentsagatrtfi Univerfal Redemption. Doth this admit of exceptions , and offuch an exception , as would unavoi- dably make all mall ? No certanely. But you will ask of me , if I think, that Chrift did die for final unbeleefe ? I Anfty. Not : for I judge , it is the fin on Iv ofReprobates who hear theG')fpel: and I judge that Chrift did not die for any fin of Reprobats : But this I hold , and have cleared , That for who fe fittnes foeverChrift bath died , he bath died for all their fins : And becau- fe he bath not died for Final Unbeleef , therefore he lath not died for any fin of fuch , as shall be guilty of this : and as for his owne , he died to prevent their falling into , and to keep them from this fin ; for he died to being them unto God , that they might have the Adoption of fòns , that they mit;bt be fan_ ttifted, and live unto kighteoufnefr, bemacle Righteous , yea the Righteoufñefrof God; as is clear i. Pet. 2: z4. Heb. IO: Io. 2. Cor. 5:21. i. Pet. 3: ; S. Rorn.5: 19. what then will they fay to this ? Final unbeleef is certainly a fin ; and Chrift either died for it , or not : if he died for it , than it can be laid to no mans charge ; or Chrifl's death is of no value. If he died not forit , he died not for all the finnes of all men ; but at moll, for tome fir nes of all men ; and if that was all , no man could thereby be Paved, for one fin is enough to procure damnation. Moreover (Io.) we finde the Perlons, for whom this price of blood was laid down , defigned more particularly , and the Objet of this Redemption reftri Eted ; and fo it could not be for all c& every one. It is laid to be for Many Efai 53: It. Match. 2o: 2S. & 26: 2S. Mark Io : 4S. Heb. 9:2S. and what thefe many are , is abundantly declared in other Scriptures, where they are called Chriß's Sheep Ìoh. io: 15. Chrift's People Mat. 1: 21. His Peo- ple, whom according to thepredìdions of the Prophets which have been, frnce the world began be should favefrorn their enemies , andfrom the hand of all , that hate them , to performe the mercy promifed to the Fathers , and to remember his holy Covenant , the oath , which he (wore to Father Abraham ; that he would grant unto them , that being delivered out of the hand of their enemies , they might ferve him without fear, in belineji d? Righteouf nefr , before him , all the dayes of their lifo Luk. t : 68, 7o, 71, 72 73, 74, 75 . His Church Ephef. 5: 25. Act. 20: 23. His Body Ephef. y 22. The Children of God, that were fcattered abroad soh. I I: 5,. Sones, Sanaified, Brethren, the Children that God gave him that Seed of Abraham Heb. 2: Io, I I, 12, 1 3,14, 15, I6, 17. They are the Sheep, that shall infallibly beleeve, becaufe sheep rob. Io: 26. and Whom Chrift knoweth , and of whom he is known verf. 14. and loch as shall heare his voice verf. 16. & follow him verf. 27. to whom he will give eternal life, fo that they shall never perish, & who aregiven to him ofhis Father verf 28, 29. & the Elelt 2. Tim. 2: iv. He is bread giving life untothe World, oft hem ,that the Father hath given him, and shall come to him toh. 6: 3 3 , 3 9. They are thefe , concerning whom the Fa- ther: will was , as being given ofhim , that he should lofe nothing , but rai fe it up againe, at the laß day ver. 38, 39, 47. The Redeemed ones that are numbered by God 144.000. & are the firfi fruiter unto God , and the Lamb. Revel. t4: 3, 4, 5. They are fuch as are the Lords , & whom the Lord knoweth for his 2. Tim. z: 19. & are enrolled in the Lambs book, Revel. 13: S. & 2o:15. So are they 4e1gned to be thefe, for whom God ir, and who shall have unqueflionably, all