Arguments agaittjf Univerfal Redemption. 541. All things; the Eleii who shall be juflified who s hall not be feparated from the Love of Chrift are in all things more then Conquerours Rpm. S: 3 it, 32, 333 34. 373 3 S. 39. Thefe with whom the Covenant shall be confirmed Dan. 9: 27. The redeemed out of every kinred, dT Tongue ,d? People , dg Nation ; and made .flings ¢t' PriefisRevel. S: 9, to. Further (i t.) if Chrift died for the finnes of ail perfons , how cometh it that they are not all a &ually pardoned ? It cannot be faid,that Chrifl's death was not ajatisfactory price , nor that the Father did not accept ofit : If then he shed his blood for th. remiflioqA4 of fins Mat. 26: z8. are not all thefe fins pardoned virtually & findamen y ? or shall they not all actually be pardo- ned in due time ? If it be faid , they shall be pardoned upon Condition of their faith. But if the finnes of all be equally payed for , and equally in a vir- tual manner difcharged , in Chriff's being actually difcharged from that debt , in the day of his Refurrection ; and the a6tuallt1 difcharge depending upon the uncertain Condition of mans Will ; man , who willingly perfor- meth the Condition , shall praife himfelf for the actual, pardon , and none elfe ; for Chrift did no more for him , as to the Actual Pardon , than for o- thers , who never shall be blefled with actual forgivenefs : and yet forgive - nefs is held forth , as a fpecial act of free grace ; forgiveneffe of finnes is ac-P cording to the riches of his grace Ephef. t: 7. Moreover as to that Condi tion , whether did Chrilt purchafe it or not ? If he did not purchafe it than man is not beholden CO Chrift , for the Condition ; be it faith , or what ye will , it is no purchafed mercy , but man is beholden to his good Lord -Free Will, for it and fo he may factifice to his own net , and fing glory to him - felf, for making himfelf to differ, and for obtaining to himfelf Mina' Re- million of all his finnes , and confequently bleffednefs Rpm. 4:6, 7, 8. for had not his owne well difpofed Lord -Free Will performed that Condition, all that Chrift did, had never more advantaged him, than it did others that perish. If it belaid , that grace to performe the condition , though it be not pur- chafed by the blood , of Chrift, yet it is freely given by God, to whom he will. I Aufwer Not to inflit here , on the proofof faith's being purchafed by Chrift ; becaufe we shall cleare it afterward, & there is nothing elfe a(Tigned for the condition I would enquire , whether Chrift knew to whom this gra- ce would be given ; or not if not, then we muff deny him to be God : if he knew , why shall we fuppofe, that he would lay down his life equally for all , when he knew before hand, that many should never get grace to perfor- me the condition , upon which his death should redound to their actual par- don & juftification ? what Ends, or what Advantages can we imagine offuch an Univerfal Redemption ? (itz.) If the Condition, upon which actual pardon & juftification is gran- ted , in the blood of Chrift , be purchafed by Chrift; then either all shall certainly be Pardoned & J:iftified, or Chrift hath nor purchafed an Equal, Common , & Pof3ible Redemption , to all and every man : But the former is tr ue, & it is not true that all shall certainly be pardoned & actually jufti Pied; for then all should be glorified. That the condition, towit , Faith, &Repentance is purchafed by Chrift, who can deny, feing, he is exprefly X x x Z called