541 Arguments agattíß Univer fat Redemption. called the Author of Faith , Hr6. z 2: 2. and a Prince exalted to give Repentance forgivenefs of fins Act. 5: 31 ? So that as forgivenefs of fins is founded upon his death , as the Meritorious caufe ; fo muff Repentance be ; and Chrif, as an exalted Prince & Saviour, hath this power to difpofe of his owne purcha- fed legacy , which he hath left, and enfured by his death , unto the heires of falvation. Upon his Death , & Satisfaction made in his death , bath he gote all power in heaven & earth , a power to quicken whom he will 111a4, 2S: IS. gob. 5: 21, 22, 27. Phil. 1: 9, 1 o. Hence we are laid to be compleat in him Col. z: jo. & to ¿'e blcfied with all fpiritaalblet :ngr, inceleflialr (to which, no doubt, Faith & Repentance do belong Yin him Ephef. I: 3. Is it not from hence , that the divine power bath given tinto us all thins , that pertaine unto life andgodlinefs 2. Pet. r: 3 ? Nay Paul tels us exprefíy Phil. t: 19. that it is gi. vento us , in the behalfe ofChrifi , to beleeve on him. And certainly there is a promife of Faith & Repentance ; and all the promifes are yea & amen in Hinz 2. Cor. 1:2o. all the Blefiìngs contained in the Covenant, are made fu- re by his death , who was the furety of this better Teftament H_ b. 7: 22, & this Teflament was to have fo,ce by his death Heb. 9:15,16,17,18. & the New heart & heart of flesh , is promifed in the Covenant , & cornprehendeth Faith & Repentance , they being force of his Lawes , which he hath allo promifed to write in the heart ter. 31: 33. Heb. 8: Io. Eech. 1 is 19, 2o. & 36: 26327. We have moreover Peen that Sanctification & Holinefs , from which Faith & Repentance cannot be feparated,were purchafed by Chriíf, & intended in his death : whence he is made ofGod unto us Sanflification r. Cor. 3o. If it be not purchafed by Chril} , how come we by it ? is it a thing in our Power , and an act ofour owne Free Will ? Then, as I Paid before , we are beholden to ourfelves , for Faith and all that follow upon it , & then fa- rewell all Prayer for Faith & Repentance , & all Thanksgiving to God for it. This is pure Pelagianifme. If it be laid , that it is the free gift of God Ephef,2: S. and a Confequent of eleEling love. I Anfwere all the fruites of election which are tobe wrought in us ,. are procured by the blood of Chri(1e, for all are conveyed to us in a Covenant, whereof Chriíf is the Mediator & Sure- ty , and with Chrift he gineth us all things Rom. 2: 32. & we are bleffed in Him with all piritual blef ngs according as he bath chofen us in him before the founda- tion of the world Ephcf: 1: 3, 4. So we are prede flinate unto the adoption of chit- dren by tefus Chrtft, Ephef. 1: 5. and adoption is not had without Faith tob. I: 12. can we have Actual Redemption in Chrill's blood Ephef. 1: 7. Col. 1: 14>. even forgivenefs of finres , and not have alto in his blood Faith , without which there in no actual redemption or forgivenefs of fin nes to be had when Chriítgavehimfelf for us, that he might puriie unto himfelfa peculiar peo- ple jealous of good works Tit, 2: 14. did he not purchafe Faith , without which we cannot be fuch ? when the Renewing of the holy Gholtis shed on us a- bundantly, through T. C. Tit. 3: 5, 6. have we not Faith alto through him ? May we not pray for Faith ; and can we pray for any thing, & not in Chrifi's name ? See 2. Torn. I: 9. I. Pet. 1: 3. Rpsn. S: 32, 39. Lak. 22: 32. Againe (r 3.) All that Chriíf died for , mt ft certanely be Saved , But all Men shall not be Caved, That all, for whom Chri(l died, mull certanely