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Arguments againfl Univerfal Redemption. 54 befaved , is hence apparent. (i.) That all, who have Saving Faith & Re- pentance , shall be faved , will not be denyed ; & that ChrifI bath purcha- fed Faith & Repentance to all, for whom he died , we have showne abo- ve. (2.) Thefe who shall freely get all things f: om God , muff get Salvations, for all things elfe lignifie nothing without that but all they , for whom Chrift was delivered , shall get all things , Rom. 8: 32. (3.) They whom nothing shall feparate from the Love of Chrift , and from the Love of God, which is in Chrift Jefus , our Lord muff certainly be faved : But all they for whom Chrift hathdied, will in due time have ground tofay this. Icon. 8: 34, 3 5, 3 2 (4.) All they , to whole charge nothing can be laid , shall be fa- ved : But this will be true of all that Chrift died for ; for Chrift's death is held forth as the ground of this , Rpm. 8: 33, 34. (5.) They, for whom Chrift interceedeth , shall undoubtedly by faved : But Chrift interceedeth for all , for whom he died , Icon. 8: 3 4. (6.) All who are fanLtified shall be faved : But all that Chrift died for , shall[in due time be fanótified; Sanétification being , As we shewed above , one principal intended end of Chrilt's death. (7.) All Chrilt's Ele led sheep shall befaved But fuch are they, for whom Chrift died , as was showne. (S.) All that God & Chrift love with the grea- ten love imaginable , shall certainly be faved : But fuch are they , for whom Chris died , lob. 3: 16. & 15:13. 13t4. 20: 28. Eph. 5: 25. (g.) All that be- come the Righteouftaefs of God in Chrift shall be faved. But that shall be true of all , for whom he died , or was made fin , or a facrifice for fin 2. Coy. 5: 2t. (to.) All , that shall be bleffed in having their fins pardoned, shall be- faved , Itpm. 4:6,7, 8. But all for whom Chrift died shall have this Redem- ption, Ephef. t: 7. Col. is 14. (ii.) All they , whom Chrift knoweth & ac- nowledgeth , shall be faved , Mat.- :- 23. 1But he knoweth all them for his- sheep , joh. to: 14,17. for whom he died. (t2.) All, for whom Chrift ro- fe againe , shall be faved , king he rofe for our jollification , atom. 4 :25. But he rofe againe for all thole , for whom he died , Rpm. 4: 25. who was delivered: for our offences , and war railed againe for our ju fli fcation, Isom. S: 34. (13.) All. who shall be planted together with Chrift, in the likenefs of hisrefurredinn,. shall be faved But that is true of fuch as he died for, IZnm. 6: 5. (14,) All they in whom the old man shall be crucified , that the body of fin might be dettroyed , that hence -forth they should not ferve fin, shall be faved : But that is true of fuch as he died for, Isom. 6: 6, 7, 8. knowing this, that our old' man it crucified with him, that the body of fin might be deft rayed , that henceforth' we should not ferve fin : for he that if dead is freed fromfin. Now if we be dead with= Chrifl, we beleeve jthat we shall alfo live with him, ¿ 'c. ( 15, ) Ml they , who shall be made Kings & Priefts unto God , shall be faved. But all the redee- med shall be fuch , Rev. 1: 5, 6. & 5: to. See worthy Mr. Durham on the Rtevel. p. 3 o3. (i 6.) If Chrift muff fee of thetravail of his foul , then thefe he died for mutt be fa ved : But the former is Cue, E(ai. 53: x i. (i7.) All whom Chrift shall )uttifie shall be faved , But he shall jultify all, whofe iniquities he beareth, Etai -. i. Thus is this fufficiently proved. It is allo confiderable (i4.) That no where in Scripture, we finde it ex- prefly laid &affirmed , That Cbrifi died for all men ; Far lefs finde we it laid, Xxx 3 that: