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544 Argumentsagainff Univerfal Redemption. that Chuff- died for all and every man. Why then is all this trouble made? But they fay , as much as all that is Paid by confequence. And this we deny : if they will rationally preffe this matter, they should evince , that filch ex- preflions , as they make fo much work about , can be no otnerwife under. flood , than they fuppofe, in the places, where they ftand : and this they shall never be able to do. Though it be faid , that Chrift gave his life a Ran - fome for all ; yet no reafon can evince, that that is neceffarily to be under - flood of all & every man : fo nor can they conclude any thing rationally from the word world. They may as well inferre from thefe words all, and the world, that Chrift died for devils, beafls & fenflefs creatures, as that he died for all & every man ; for they are comprehended under thefe terms , as well as Men : And if they will reftria thefe termes to men , becaufe of o- ther Scriptures; why may not we reflrick them alto to the Elea , becaufe of the correfpondenceof other paffages of Scripture ? They cannot deny us the liberty , they take to themfelves. If they fay , that there is a vaft differen- ce betwixt Devils an Men , in reference to filch favours. We deny it not but shall adde that in reference to fpiritual favours , amongft which we cannot but reckon , with the good leave of our Adverfaries , the death of Chrift , being the fruit & expreffion of the greateft Love of God to Man, we finde alto a great difference in Scripture. Some are Loved , fome Hated Rem. 9: I I, 12. Some whom he lÇpoweth, forne whom he I(,noweth not rob. Io: 14. dT 13: I S. Mat.7: 23. 2. Tim. 2: 19. Some Chofen & Ordained to life, others . not , but to Wrath Aá.13: 48. Rom. 8:30. & 9: 18. d.^ c. Ephef. 1 :4. i.Thef. S: 9. Some Sheep , others Goats Mat.25: 32. Some on whom God hath Mer- cy , others whom he Hardeneth Rom. 9. Some his Church , others not Aft. -2o: 28. Ephef. 5: z5. Some of the World , others not ¡oh. 17: 9, 10. Some his Bre- thren, others not He6. 2: Io, 11, 13. And as plainly read we , that Chrift died for his People Mas.1: 21. his Sheep I-oh. lo: I I, 12, 14. his Church A. 20: 25. Ephef. 5: 25. his EleE Rom. S: 3z,.34. and his Children. Heb.2: :i2., 13. If we would confider aright. (r5.) What Chrift did undergoe & fuller, while he was made fin , or was making fatisfaétion for fin ; we should hardly think it probable , that Chrift Jeff's , God -man, who was the brightnefs ofth& Fathers glory , and the exprefr image of his per fon lieb. i s 3. and thought robbery to be counted equal with God, Phil. 2: 6. Should have undergone what he did undergoe , and that the Father should have laid all that upon him, which he did lay upon him , and that to purchafe only a meer Pofl'ible Redemption from fin & wrath , whereby not one perfon should be faved or pardoned, if .fo it had feemed good to captaine Free will. Not to mention his condefcen- ding to be Born ofa woman, & to be made under the Law, Gal. 4: 4. nor his being in the forme of a fervant, Phil. 2: 7. nor his Poverty & mean Condition in the world , 2. Cor. S: 9. nor his Conflicting with the indignities of the world, Pfal. 22: 6. lieb. 12: 2., 3. with the temptations of Satan Math. 4: x -I2. Luh 4: 15. and his being under the infirmities, common to the natu- re ofman, being in all things like us, except fin Heb. z: 17. dr4: i5. Efai. 52:13, 14. Nay, .nor his in his Body, Name, Honour at death, when