Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

Arguments againfi Univerfál redemption. 545 --when he was betrayed by gtrdas Mat. 27: 4. forfaken by his difciples Math. 26:56. Scorned & Reviled by the world Efai. 43:2,3. Condemnedasa malefactor by Pilat, & Torménted by his perfecutors Mat, 27: 26 -50. soh. 19:34. & Endured the Painful , Shameful & Curfed death of the ctefl. Phil. 2: 8. Heb, 12:2. all which & the like being endured by Him , who was the Son of God , could be no mean fuffering, nor undergone for an uncertain end , or for the procureing of a meer Pofiible & Uncertain good : But that which we would moti take notice of bete , is, his Soul fufferings ,,being per - fued by divine jutiice, when that Zach. 13: 7. was accomplished , awake , O [word , againfi my s hepheard , agatnfl the Man, that is my follow , faith the Lord of holler , fmite the shepheard and the sheep shall be fcattered , Mat. 26: 3 I. and the L -)rd.did bruife him , and put him to griefeEfai. 53: 5, to. and he began to be forrowful even unto death Mat. 26: 37, 3 S. and was fore ania..ed and very hea- vy Mark. 14: 3 4. and was put to offir up prayers and fupplications , With firong cryes and tearer to him, that was able to lave him Lieb. 5: 7. when , notwith- ftanding that an angel appeared unto him from heaven , ftrengthening him, yet being in an agony , he prayed more earnefily , and his fweat was , as it were, great drops. of blood falling down to the ground Luk. 22:43, 44 and at length was made to cry out , my God , my God , why haft thou forfà ken me Pfal. :22: i. Mat. 27: 46. Mark. 15: 34. This was no mean bulinels , when the Rayes & Irradia- tions of :Divine Love were drawn-in & withheld f om him , who had fuch a sharp fenfeofthe happinels in the enjoying of God's favour, becaufe of the Perfonal union with the Godhead. But that Which is molt of all to be confi- dered , is his being made a CurfeGal. 3:13. and fo made to wretile with the Ju- flice and ' Wrath of a fin revenging God. This was the gall and the worm- wood , that made him cry 3oh.12: 27. Now is my foul troubled, and what shall Jj fay ? Fatherfave me from this hour. Shall we fuppofe that all this was about an Uncertane Bargane ? Shall we think, that he died the turfed death ofthe crofhe , and bore the weight of God's wrath Luk. 21: 41. Mat. 27: 46. and fo became a facrifice to fatisfie divine jullice Heb. 9: 14, 1 S. & all to purchafe a meer Pollibility,; or a meer Pof able Redemption ? Shall we think , that the Second perfon of the Trinity should do & fuffer all thefe things, for to redeem man , when poflïbly , if Freewill should be fo ilI natured, not one man should reap any advantage thereby ? Me thinks, the afferring of this should be a great temptation CO caufe people turne Socinians, and deny all thefe foul fufferings of Chrifl, & his bearing the wrath ofGod, & making any fatisfadtion to juftice. Adde to this (16.) That the Scriptures fpeak of Chrift's Death & Suffe- rings, as being not for himfelf, but for others; and that not only for the good & advantage of others ( and doubtiefs the advantageof all this should be but little , if it were nothing elfe , but a meer Poflible Redemption, which Free will might make actual , or not Actual,, as it pleafed) but in their Roo me & Place: hence it is called the chaftifement of our peace Efai. S3: 5. and he is laid to have borne our grief: , and carried our forrowes verf. 4. He was woun- ded for our trap fgrefJions ; and brui fed for our iniquities verf. 5. The Lord laid on him the iniquity of us all verf. 6. -- for the tranfgrefonof my people was he ftricken verf,