3 4 6 Arguments againff Uricverfad Redemption. verf. S. -- for he shall bear their iniquities verf. I i . -- he bare the fin of many verf. 12. He bear our fins , in his body, on the tree I. Pet. 2: 24., the jull fu fjìred for the unjuff i. Pet. 3: IS. Hence belet°vers are faid to be crucified with him Gal. 2: 20. - to be bapti fed into hit death It2m.6: 3. buried with him by bapti fine into death verf. 4. - planted together in the likenefr ofhis death verf. 5. dead with Chrifi verf. S. He was cut off, but not for himfel»Dan. 9: 26. See alto Heb. 2: 9. i. Pet. 2: 2.1. Shall we fay that this was meerly for our good , feing it was, in fotne, refpecffor the good of the whole creation R, m. S: 20, 2I, 22, 23. AEI. 3 :2.i. and not in our Place & Stead ? Paul faith 2 Cor.ç:z4. If one be dead then were all dead. And it is manifeft, that he payed the Law -debt, having taken on him the feed of Abraham for this end Heb. 2:16. & being made a curfe for us, he redeemed us from the curfe of the Law Gal. 3: io. So that it was in our (lead Born. 5: 6, 7, 8. job. 11: 5o. if io: nos'. And the Prepoftion hath clearly this importMat. 5: 3 8. dT 17: 27. kfa. 41: 4. Exod.2 t :23,2.4. I.Chron. 14: t . I . Hing. 3:7.2. fQng. t:17. I 1 :43 . Pr ®v. 11:3. /ob.16:4. 117 34:17. i,Pet. 3: 9. Rom 12: 17. See many other places cited by worihy Mr. Rutherfoord in his book of the Covenant rag- 254i255. where both in the N. T. and in the Lxx. version of the old ¿i hath this import. And this truth is abundantly ma- de out by our Orthodox Divines , writting againtf the Socinianr ; fo that I need fay no more of it ; only I think , fuch as afiert the Redemption purcha- fed by Chriff to have been a meer General Poflïble Redemption , do ftreng- then the hands of the Socinianr ; and joyn with them againft the Orthodox: But to our purpofe, Such as Chriff did thus die for, & in their room & place, are accounted to have died in Hi in, & fo freed : as in Ter. Pro illo to ducam, Ego pro to molam. Moreover (17.) If we confider the furniture , which Chriff as mediator had given to him of the Father , we shall fee more of the unreafonablenefs of this opinion , which the Arminians embrace : Not to speak of what he had as God , the Fathers Fellow & Equal ,let us but take notice of that com- municated furniture , which he had as Mediatorbetween God and man , i. Tim. 2: 5. and our Emmanuel , Efai-, 7: 14. We fee he is called Wonderful Counfellour, d?c. Efai. 9: 6,7 . He is that Candletfick, whence the golden pi- pes do empty the golden oile, Lech 4: 12. He was full of grace dr trutb oh. I: 14. Was this fulnefs fora meer Poflible effect ? Or had he it fo , and for fuch an end , as none might pofübly be the better thereof ? No; and of his fulve» have all we received grace for grace loh. I: 16. He had not the Spirit by measure ¡oh. ;: ;4. It pleafed the Father , that in him should all fulnefs dwell. Col. 1: 9. In him are hid all the treafures o f wifdome dr knowledge Col. 2: 3 . and in him dwelleth all the fulnefs of the godhead bodily verf. 9. And wherefore is all this? Even that all his might be compleet in him verf. to. Grace war poured into his lips Pfal. 45: 2. and he was anoynted with the cyleofgladnefs above, his fellowes verf.7. And Efai. 61: I. Luk. 4: IS. &c. The Spirit of the Lord God was upon him, becaufe the Lord had anoynted him. And for what end ? To preach glade tideings unto the meek, to binde up the broken hearted , to proclame liberty to the captives and the opening of the prifon to them that are bound. See further verf. 2, 3. Sure, this was no uncertain end, nor left to the difcretion of Free will. So