Arguments againft univerfat Redemptiea. 547 So Efai. i I:2. And the Spirit of the Lord shall refi upon him , the Spirit of wifdotn andunderflanding, dYc. Shall all this be, and further shall kighteoufnefs be the girdle of his loines , andfaithfulnefs the girdle of his reines verf. 5. And may is notwithflanding fo come to paffe , that the Wolf shall not dwell with the Lamb, nor the Leopard lye down with the Kid, &c. nor the earth be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the fea ? Verf. 6, 7, 3, 9. How abfurd is it to imagine this ? All this furniture faith , that it was no Uncertain Geeeral End', which he had before his eyes, in undertaking this work ; and the Father in fending him , and granting CO him this fu1. nefs. Adde to this (i S.) The Titles & Relations , which Chrift took upon him for they cannot be meer infignificant and empty Names. He is called a Redee- merEfa. 4r: 14 . 54:5.r49:26.d5'.6o:16.&43:14. 44:6a4.¿9 4.8:17. di 49:7. 9 47:4. 59:2o. Rom.' r:26. And shall we imagine , that He shall be a Redeemer & Deliverer, and yet no man Redeemed or delivered ? No t He bath a redeemed company , whom he owneth as fach Efa.3 5:9 d= 43:r. 23.4.9444:22.45 43:2o. ter. 3 I: I I. fai. 5 I: I I. dr 51: 3. d.r 63:4. Zach. Io: S. Luk.1:68. dT 24:21. I.Pet. t:IS. &eve!. 5: 9. dI 14: 3. He is called a Saviour Eiai.43.3111. d? 45.15,2,1.& 63:5. Lug. t:47. d?'2:11. 7oh. 4: 42. Ati:. 5: 31. 13;23. 2.Tina. 1: 10. Tit. t:4. Ephef.5: 23. Tit. 2'13. 4.5 3:6. 2. Pet.i: ',II. is 2: 20. dT 3: 2, IS. I . soh. 4: 14. Shall we think , that he was given & fern for a Saviour, and took upon him that title & relation , and notwithflan- ding no man might be faved ? No , there are alfo fo-ne defigned , the Saved 2.Cor.2:15. 4t1.2: 4, i.Cor. is I S. He is called a King Revel. 15: 3. d?' 17: 1936. I.Tim.6 :; 5. 7oh. i2: t 5. Luk.19:3 S. d& 23:2. zach.9:9. Mat. 21: V. Now is he an a&ual King , and shall have none but potential Subjects ? Shall be be a King without a Kingdom ? See 7oh.18:36. Col. 1:13. i ;Cor. i 5:24. He is called an Husband a. Cor. II: 2. ter. 31: 3 a. And therefore he muff have a Wife & a Bride toh. 3: 29. Revel, 18: 23. 2,1: 9. df 22: 17. He is called an Head EPhef 5:23. 1.Cor.11:3. EPhef 4:15. d? I:22. Col. I:t3. And fo mutt have a body EPhef.I:23. km:, I2:5. Ephef.4:4. Col.3 :15. d?' 1:24.. d.r 2:19. Erhef.4:16. i9 5:23. d3' 3: 6. He is called the Vine flock, & shall he have no Branches ? d?'c. Thefe thingsmight be further enlairged & preffed ; but we shall hafte forward. (1.9.) Our Adverfaries fay , That Chrift by his Death & paflion did Ab- .folutely, even according to the Intention of God, purchafeRemiflìon of fins &Reconciìlation with God , and that for all & every man : Others fay con- ditionally : But withal as to the application of this purchafe : it is made to depend upon faith : and fo they dif1inguish betwixt Impetration & Application. And though it is true , the purchafe made is one thing , and the a .Ìual en- joyment of the thing purchafed is another thing : Yet we may not fay , with our Adverfaries , that the Impetration is for moe , than shall have the Ap- plicaìion; But we affert, that both Impetration & Application, in refpeá of the defigne of the Father which is abfolute & certain, and the Inten- tion of Chrift the Mediator, which is fixed& peremptory , are for the fa- me individual perfons; fo that for whom foever God font Chrift , & Chrift YYY came