Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

Arguments againfl Univerfal Redemption.' 549 ver f IS. By the Righteoufnefs of one the free gift came upon all men to juflification. So that the Application reacheth an all, that is , all who have interefi in the Righteoufnefs, which is the thing Impetrated fee alfo Het. to: io. (9.) If Chrifts Interceffion be for the fame perfons , for whom he died , then the Application is to the farne ; for this Interceflion of Chrift is in order to the App'ication : Butahat Chrifts Intercef ion is for the fame perfons , for whom he died , we shall fee hereafter. (to.) If all things be enfured to fuch , for whom Chrift died , then certaraely this Application cannot fail but the for- mer is true Korn. S: 3 2. He thatfpared not his owne Son, but delivered him up for us all, horn shall he not (mark this manner ofexpreffion which importeth the greated of abfurdities to think otherwife ) with him alfo freely give us all things? (i t.) And in that fame place verf. 33, 34. Chrifts death is given as the certain ground of Juftification, & Salvation , fo that fuch as he died for , shall certa- nely, in due time , & after the wethode prefcribed , be Jufiified & Saved ; o- therwayes , there were no Pure ground in the Apoftles argueing; for if all the ground of this certanty , as to Application , were from their Faith , or fulfil- ling of the Condition the Apoftle would have mentioned this, as the maio nc: ground , & not have led them to a ground common to others , who never should partake of the Application. (I z.) This matter is abundantly confir- med from what we faid above , concerning Chrifts purchafing of Faith , and dying for our fanEtification, & to bring us CO God, & that more needed/ not be added here. (2o.) For further confirmation of this , and becaufe our Adverfaries think to falve the fore mentioned feparation of Impetration & Application by tel- ling us , that where good things are Abfolutely purchafed , then Application mull follow; But not where good things are purchafed only Conditionally, as in our cafe: we shall theretore she w, how this will not hold , nor advan- tage their caufe : for (r.) If all be Redeemed Conditionally, that condition, whatever it be , mull in equity be revealed to all. (z.) Either God & Chrift knew , who would performe this condition , or not : If not , then they were not omnifcient : If they did know ; then lure, this death was more parti- cularly & defignedly intended for them , than for the reft: and upon what account, & to what end, should Chrift lay down his life a Ranfome for fuch, as he knew certainly should never be the better thereof ? And why would _ the Father fend him to die for fuch.? (3.) This Condition is either in mans foie power , without the help of the Grace of God , to performe , or not If it be in mans power, from what Scripture shall this Pelagianifinebe con- firmed ? How shall then the new Covenant of Grace be difiinguished in fpe- cie from the Covenant of 'Works , made with Adam ? If this Condition be riot in mans power , but the Grace of God muff work it. Then either God will work it in all, or not If not, why would God purchafe good things to people upon a Condition, which they could not performe , Et which he al- one could work in them , & refolved not to worke in them ? Ifhe will worke it in all , then all shall certainly be faved. Againe , if this Condition be the free gift of God , then eitherGod will give it Abfolutely to all;and fo all shall certainly be Paved : or Abfolutely to fome , & then none but they shall be Y Y faved,