Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

5 ° Arguments againfi Univer fal Redemption. faved, and why should Chrift die for the yell ? Or Conditionally to all: And iffo, the doubt will recurre concerning that Condition, which either mint be Abfolutely given , & fo we are where we were, or Conditionally , and fo [till the doubt recurreth. (4.) This condition is either purchafed by Cihriit, or it is not. If not , then we owe no thanks to Chrift for it , nor for what is obtained upon that Condition , more then others who performe not the Condition, & to obtaine nothing : bnt to out-fell/es only , who rríake onr- felves to differ ; and fo may we fing praifes to ourlèlve , & put the crown upon our owne heads , and give no long of praife to the Redeemer , but what Inch as go to hell are bound to give , contrary to all, Chriftian Religion : If Christ bath purchafed this Condition , then it is done either Abfolutly , of Conditionally : If Abfolutely , than all shall Abfolutely have it : if Condi- tionally, we enquire , what is the Condition ? And whatever it be, we may move the fame queflions concerning it. (5.) By this meanes the a& should creatits owne objed; for Faith in the death of Chrift is ordinarily given as the Condition, and this faith maketh the death of Chrifl valide , which o- therwayes would not be. (c.) This maketh all the vertue of Chrifts death to depend upon mans aft; fo that if man will , all shall be faved ; if not , no man shall be laved, notwithilanding that Ch;-ill died for them. (7.) This makes Chrift but , at molt , a half Mediator , doing one part of the work end man, coming in to corpleete it mull be the other half mediator; and fo at leali , muff have the halfe of the Praife. (S.) where faith the Scripture, that if we beleeve , Christ died for us ? or that Chrift died for all , or for any, Conditionally ? It is true, force of theet%éts of Chrift's death are be- Rowed Conditionally, (taking the word conditionally not properly , as if the performance of that Condition , did in proper Law fenfe procure a right to thefe mercies ; for through die merites of Chrift's blood have we a right pro- perly to all ; but improperly as denoteing nothing but the Methode & way of God's bellowing the blefiings purchafed , firft this , and then, upon the fouls a&ingof that , another ; as for example , firit faith , then upon the fouls acting of Faith , julliñcation, then Sanctification &c. and upon the fouls acting ofSanetification , Glorification) but the death of Chrift cannot the- refore be called Conditional , more than the will or purpofe of God can be called conditional, becaufe force of the things willed , may depend upon other, as upon a condition. (9.) Then by performing the Condition , man should procure to himfelfa Legal Right, and Title not only to the death of Chrifl, but to jollification, Adoption, Sanctification, yea & to Glorifi- cation; yea and that a more near & ef}e&ual Title & Right, than what was had by Chrift's death for the Title had by Chrill's death (ifit can be cal- led a Title) was far Remore & Common to fuch , as shall never have any profite by it; but the other is Certain, Particular, Proxime, & giveth pofl'ef ion, jut in re. (io.) Then Chrift's blood , as shed upon the crof e,was biut a Potential thing, having no power or vertue in it felf to redeem any, it was but a poor Potential price : and all its vertue of actual purchafing & procureing is from mans performing the Condition; this, and this only ,gt- ví eth it Power & Efficacy ; and fo Christ is beholden to man for giving ver- tue