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Arguments a4aistfi Univerfal Redemption. 5 5 tae tinto his Blood , and making it efeEtual, which before was a deadin- efedual thing. Then let any judge , who should have the greateft share of the Glory of Redemption, Man or Chrift. (I t.) was Chrift's death Abfolu- te in no refped ; or was it , as to fome things , I mean , belonging to Gra- ce & Glory , Abfolute ? if in nothing, then Man mutt certánely have a great share of the glory : if it was Abfolute as to any thing , what was that ? and why was it more Abfolute as to that, than as to other things ? And why should it then be limply , & without limitation, faid that Chrift died for all Conditionally ? For Further confirmation of our 19. Argument, &confutation of our Adverfaries polition , we adde (2r.) That Chrift Jefus is heard ofthe Fa. therm n all that he asketh Pfeil. 2: S. roh. i t: 4z, 42. and as an High Priefi'he entred into heaven Heb. 9: II, I Z. now to appear in the pretence of God for us serf. 24. to prepare a place job. I4:' 2 & to aft the part of an 43dvocat , interceding with the Father , in the behalfe of all fuch , for whom he died I. ¡oh. 2: 1,z. Iftjt enChrift , whom his Father hearethalwayes, intercedeth in the behal- fe [11 thefe , for whom he died , either he did not die for all, or all mutt certainly be bayed. That Chrift's luterceflion, -& Death are for the fame perfons, wilibe , and muff be denyed by our Adverfaries : But to us it is nioft manifeft from thefe grounds. (r.) To Intercede & pray areas Effential & Necefary Ads of the Prieftly office , as to offer facrifice : and the Apo - file Heb. 9. cleareth up , how Chrilt did in truth , what the High Prieft a- mong the Lewes did in the type for as the High Priefi alone went , once every, yeer , into the fecond tabernacle , or holy of holies, not without blood, which he of- fered for himfèlf, and the errours ofthe people verf. 7. So Chrift, being come an High Prieft of good things to come , by agreater and mere perfeEt tabernacl. , by his owne blood ; he entered in once into the holy place , having obtainedeternal R,edcm- ptionverf. 12. Hence he is faid to Live for ever to mare Intercejlion for us. He& 7:25. and he is an Advocat with the Father i. oh. z: I. Hence then it is ma- nifett , that Chrift mutt Intercede for fuch , as he did Offer up himfelf for or he shall not be a Perfert & Compleet High Prieto or not faithful! to per- forme all the Offices of the High Prieft : neither of which can be laid. (2.) The ground of his Interceflìon , is held forth to be his Oblation : as the High Prieft went into the holy of holies with the blood of the facrifices , which he had offered; fo Chrift entered into the holy place, having fiat obtained by the facrifice of himfelf an Eternal Redemption.Heb.9.: 12. So he is an Advocate with the Father , being fir(t a Propitiation for firms z. job. 2: I, 2. (3.) Both his Death & Interceflion make up one Compleet Medium , & are in- tended & defìgned, as one Medium, for the end defigned, vii, the bringing of many fones unto glory, Paving to the uttermoft all that come to God through him &c. (4.) How unreafonable is it to think, that Cluj(' would refuife to Pray for fuch , whom he loved fo dearly , as to lay down his life ,for ? yet he faith exprefly,- that he prayeth not for the world, but for others, diftinguished from the world , joh. 17: 9. (5.) As His Death was for fuch as the Father had given him (as we taw above) fo his Intercefon & Prayer is re- ftrieted to Nell d./.17: 9. - I pray not for the world ; but for them which. thou hall' Y Y Y 3 give4