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2. Arguments 4gainfl Univer(al Redemption. given me, for they are thine. (6.) Chrift's end incoming into the world ,, was to fave his people ; Hence he gote that name 7efirs; but he should not be able to fave them , Perfectly Compleetly , & to the Ütermoft, if he did not joyne his Interceflíon , with his Oblation ; Yea upon this account he conti- nueth ever a Prieft , having an unchangable Prieílhood, Heb. 2: 24, z5. But this man , becaufehecontinuetli ever , hathan unshangable Prieflhood, wherefore he is able to fave them to the uttermofi , that come unto God 6y him , feing he ever li- ved) to make intercefon for them. (y.) The Apotlle fo joyneth them together Rom. S: 34. that they mutt do manifeft violence to the Apoales reafoning, who would pull them afunder , & feparate the one from the other. It is ( fais he ) Chri fl that died , yeLTather that is rifen againe , who is even at the right hand .ofGod , who al fomaketh intercei ion for us. (S.) Yea, they are fojoyned together here, that his death alone confiderei could not yeeld that ground of triumph &boaíting, norfecurity from Accufations : Yea rather, that isrifenagaine, ¿i c. (9.) So that thefeparating & taking of there, afunder , is grearly prejudi- cial to the confolation of his people; for though they should attaine to fome apprehenfionsofChrift's dying for them , as an Advocate with the Father, upon new finnes I. ?oh. 2: i, 2. Though Ch rift died , yet they might :be con- demned for he muff alfo lnterceed; and if he do not Intercede for them , . their Hopes , & Comforts are gone : And fo there should be no force in that , who is he that condemneth, it is Chrifi that died' - Rpm. S: 34. And a poor foul might be halfaved , but not to the uttermuft , contrareto Heb. 2:25. ( t(3.) And that place Rom. S: 31. rettricteth both equally unto the Elea: who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's dal ? (II.) When Chriftlaid down his life a Ranfome for (inners , he could not but know , that by that Ranfome none should be actually faved , without his Intercefliion , it being accorded betwixt Father & Son , that the mediator should mediate both by Price & by Prayer : And he could not but knòw , for whom he purpofed & intended to lnterceed; how shall we then fuppofe, that he would lay down his life for chofe, for whom he was purpofed not to Pray ? Or that he would do the molt for them, For whom he would not do the leaft ? (i2.) Chrift's inter. cefiìon is really a prefenting unto God the Oblation made : Therefore (ayes the A pollale Heb. 9: 24. that Chrifl is entered into heaven itfelf, to appear in the Pretence of God for us : And fo by appearing he Interceedeth : & his appearing is in his owne blood whereby he obtained Eternal Redemption I-leb. 9:12. & fo his Interceflìon mutt be for all , for whom the Oblation was, & the eter- nal Redemption was obtained. (13.) Yea both thefe are fo joy ned together by Efaia3 Chap. 53: ii. as that they are made one ground, & procureing cau- fe of God's divideing him a portion with the great , & of Chrifts own divi- deing the fpoile with the ftrong ; Becaufe he bath poured out his foul unto death, and he bare the fin of many , and made interceffion for the Iran fgre_ ours. (14,) This is further clear from the reafons, we gave to confirme that fall connexion be- twixt Chrift's Impetration & Application, in the foregoingparagraph , for the Actual Application ofthe benefite & fruit of his oblation is attributed to his .Interceflion. (is.) Nay, that whole Chapter job. 17. confirmeth this; for there Chrift is both Offering higifelf, or fanctitying himfelf thereunto verf. t 9. and