Arguments 4gainßf Univerfal Redemption. 553 /9. and Interceding . and there are fo lincked together , both in themfelves, &''as to the perfons for whom , that it muff argue , at lead, much incogitan- cy, to imagine a divulfion , & reparation of thefe twoa&s of his Prietthood. ( 16.) IfChri('c Intercede Ñøt for the fame perlons , for whom he died , we ask for whom he Intercedeth ? Is it for aauall beleevers ? Then we ask a Scripture ground for this reftriétiota ? And then it is manifeft hence , that Chritt Intercedeth not for the working of faith in any : And yet Efaiar tels us , that he ?naked) Intercefonfar tranjgre ¡'ours. And we fee 7oh. 1 is Zo. that he prayeth not only for thole , who were already beleevers , but for fuch alto, as were not yet beleevers. He told us Himfelf alfo , that he would pray the Father for the Spirit, ¡oh. 14: verf. 16.. And among other things , this is one work of the Spirit, to caute a (inner beleeve; 2. Cor. .: 13. EpheJ. 18,19. The point we are upon will be further çleare, if we confider. (zz.) That Chrift's death was a redemption , & we are Paid CO be Redeemed thereby Gal. 4: 5. & 3: 13. Rpm. 3: 24. Ephef. 1: 7. Col, is 14. r .Pet.1: 8. Revel.5 :9. Tit. z :14.. And therefore all filch , as he laid down this Redemption , or Re- demptionmoney for , mutt ofneceffity be redeemed &faved, & confequent- ly he died not for all , feing all are not redeemed & faved. His Ranfome , or Price of Redemption , which he laid down, vi.. his blood , which he shed , is called Au sear a rarfame Mat. zo: 2'3. & cir7iwrgar 1.Tim.a:6. That all filch, for whom this Redemption -money was payed , & this Ranfome was given, mutt be faved , is cleare ; for (1.) Other wayes it were no Redemption , a Ranfome given for Captives Both fay , that thefe Captives , in Law & Juttt- ce , ought to be let at liberty. (z.) This Redemption is the fame with , ( as to the effe' , ) or hath attending it , forgivenefr offins. Col. 1: 14. Ephef. :z :7. &forgivenefsof fins , is with juftification, & hath blefl`ednefsatteradingit R,om.4 :6,7,S. (3.) Salvation neceffarily followeth upon this Ranfome & Re- demption , as is clear I.Tim.2:4. compared with verf.6. (4.) This Redem- ption is from a vaine Converfation 1. Pet. I: 18. & confequently is attended with Salvation. (5.) It is attended with juftification , EZom. 3:74. being jufli- fied freely by hicgrace, through the redemption , that is in jefur Chrifl. (6.) Hen- ce it is called the Redemption of the tranfgreffionc Heb. 9: 15. that is , either of Tranfgrefj'ours, by ametonimy, orofurfrorn the evil oftranfgrefjions, & that upon a valuable compenfation &fatisfae.tion; for ú9roTureceG is a Redem- ption from evil by the Intervening ofa Price , a ),(A-to,, a Ranfom, (7.) This was a Redemption from the Law , for God fens forth his fon-- made under the Law, to redeem them, who were under the Law Gal 4:4,5. & fo by this redem- ption , there is a liberation had from the Law, & its Curfe & Penality. (S.) And it is a Redemption of fuch as were under the Law, for this end, that they might receive the adoption:of fonesGál.4:5.Bot this Adoption of fones is not com- mon to all. (9.) All which receiveth confirmation from this, that the Fa. ther, who received this ranfome, did hirnfelf fend his Son to lay it down, & fo it was his own Ranfome; and therefore milt' have been payed , upon a certaine defigne of a tually Redeeming & delivering from Sin,Satan,Death ÿt Hell ,thofe, for whom it was laid dowse. (Io.) So is there an other end of