Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

554 Arguments againfl Univerfal Redemption. of this Redemption mentioned Gal. 3: 13, 1¢. Chrifi bath redeemed ttr from the Curie of the Law -- that the bleffing of Abraham might cove on the Gentiles t hrouglr jefus Chrifi. (ii.) Seing the Lord /ehovab might have refuted to free the fin- net , upon any Redemption or Satisfaction offered ,'Lk: exaEled all of the finnersthemfelves, that they lay under by the Law , it was a great condef- cendence in love of this great Lord , & a gracious act of Soveraíguity , to aç- cept ofa mediation ; & of Love &free grace to provide a Redeemer ; we cannot but in reafon think , that His good pleafure did regulare this matter, as to the Perlons , who should be Redeemed , & as co the manner & me- thod after which they should ae`lually partake of the Redemption. And that therefore the perfons to be redeemed were condefcended upon , and the perlonscondefcended upon were certanely to be Redeemed ; the Lord ha- ving intended , in the contrivance of this Redemption, the certaine Salva- tion & Redemption of chofe, who were condefcended upon , & of none elfe , and the Intentions, Defines & Purpofes of God are not vaine nor frufirable. Further (23.) Chriíl's death hai a real Merito in ir , that is , a worth and value, to procure the good things , it was given for; fo that thereby there was a Purchafemade. Ad. zo: 28. And therefore, we cannot fnppofe , that all that was Procured & Purchafed hereby , was a General, Uncertaine , & meerly Poffible thing. 'fit had a value & worth in it ( as noqueflion it had) to putchafe & procure grace & glory , unto all for whom it was given , and was accepted as a valuable price of the Father why should not the thing, hereby purchafed, be given & g anted in due time ? To fay , that all was fufpended upon a condition , is to made all Uncertaine : or we muff fay,that Chrifi'sdeath did procure that Condition alto : and then all is right, for that is it, we fay. (24.) Chrift's death is Lobe confidered as the death ofa Teßator Heb. 9: 15, 16, 17. And for thii caufe, he is the Mediatour of the New Teflament , that by meaner of death, for the redemption oftranfgrefions , that were under the firfi Tefla- ment , they which are called, might receive theprornife of eternal inheritance : for where a Teflament is, there mull alfo of nece ffity be the death of theTeflatour : for a Teflament is of force after men are dead , otherwife it is ofnoffrength, at all , while the Teflatour liveth. So he laid himfelf of thecup in the Sacrament , that it was the blood of the New Te/lament Mat. 26:2,S. Mary.1.3.: 24. & that it was the cap of the New Tef arnent in his blood Lull. 22: 20. and Paul calleth it , the New Tefarnent in his blood I.Cor.II :2,j. So that his Death & Bloodshed was the death ofa Teflàtour, for the confirmation of the New Teflament, and for afcertaneing of the Legatees, of the good things bequathed to them in lega- cy , by the Teftament. Now a Teflament commonly is a declaration of the Teflatours free, Abfolure & Voluntary Purpefe of bellowing fuch & fuch benefices, to fuch & fuch friends; and fo it is the Teflatours letter will,whe- reby he willeth that this legacy be given to this perfon , & that to another. It is true , men may infert force Conditions , as to tome legacies , becaufe they are but men, & know not contingent future things, nor have they the wils & difpofitions of fuch they appoint legatees, in their own hand and power;