Arguments againf Univerfal Redemption. S S or tað away she fin of the world ¡oh. I: 29. He offered up himfelf without fpot to God Heb. 9: 14. & he was once o f f e r e d to tear the firmer ofmany Heb. 9: 28. -- we are f anffi fled through the offering c f the body o f jefus Chrifl once for all, -- he offe- red one facri flee for fin for,i2. Now as the facrifices under the Law which were a type of this , did not procure a General, Pofìîble bene- fite , but did procure a Real favour , only to the People of God ; for they fan. itii ed to the purifyingof the flesh Heb. 9: 13. So certainly this Real & Perfe facrifice muff have a Peculiar & Real EfieEt & fprinkle confciences from dead works , to Jerve the living God : Heb. 9: 14. And this is not a thing common to all, noris it a meer Paffìble thing : They muff then do a great indignity un- to the Sacrifice of Chrifl, who fpeak of an Univerfal meerly Poffible Re- demption. Adde to this. (28.) How upon this Sacrifice , which Chrift offered up , in his death , we read of a Reconciliation made Ephef. 2: 16. and that he might Reconcile both unto God , in one body , by the cro ffe, having pine the enmity , by it, or in hitn felf 2. Cor. 5. i o. when we were enemies we were Reconciled to God, by the death of his Son. Col. 1 :2o. and havingtnade peace , through the blood ofbis croffe, by him to Reconcile all things unto himfelf. Therefore is he called our Peace E- phef. z: 14. & he maketh Peace verf. 15. we have Peace with God through our Lord efus Chrift. Rom. 5: I. Now this Reconciliation being of parties, that are at variance , muff be a Reconciliation of both to other , and fo a mutual Re- conciliation : and Chrift effee`luateth both : and both are purchafed by his death : we cannot then imagine with Socinians , that all the Reconciliation, mentioned in Scripture, is of us to God; as if God's Anger & Wrath were not appealed & taken out of the way ; nor with Arminianr, that Chrift ob- tained an Univerfal Reconciliation of God to all , but no Reconciliation of man to God; friendship betwixt enemies muff be mutual , it a Reconciliation be ; and our flare before this was enmity Ron. 5 :io. Col. I: zo, 2I. and God's wrath was againfl us & upon us, Ephef.z:3. toh.;:3 6. But now, how will this agree v.ith Univerfal Redemption ? Is God Reconciled to all, when many perish under his wrath , for ever ? Can God be Paid to be , upon the death of Chrifl, Reconciled to all, when it may fo fall out , that not one foul shall ha- ve peace with -God ? How cometh it to paffe, that many , whole Reconcilia- tion Chrift hath purchafed , live & die enemies to God ? Sure the Apoítle tels us z.Cor.S: i 9. that to whom God is reconciled, to them he doth nor im- pute fin : & he afTureth us, that all fuch , as are reconciled CO God, by the death of his Son, shall be Paved. Rom.S:ao. Adde (29.) That it feemeth hard to fay, That Chrift laid down his life a Price, a Ranfome, a Sacrifice , an Atonement & Propitiation , &c. to Purchafe, Procure, Merite Grace , & Glory, & to make Reconciliation & Peace betwixr'1'i.d , & fuch, as were already fuffering the vengeanceof eter- nal fire , & tcadtisfie for their finnes , who were already condemned to the torments of hell fire :and yet this mua be laid by Euch, asaflert Univerfal Re- demption. Was Chrift fo prodigal of his blood, as to caft it away, for fuch as were irrecoverably gone ? If it be laid, that this is no more hard , than to fay , that Chrift fuffered for fuch , as were already glorified. Any may fee, Zz z z how