Arguments again Univerfal -edempt on. 5.59 den to Chrift for all that we have attained to , then the damned in hell are , for whom Chrift shed his blood , as well as for us , & to whom he purchafed by his blood & death , as much , as for us ; as Adverfaries fay. So that t fee not how Arminianr, can think to joine in this Song , & have any sharecf this Confolation, which is finely founded upon the Redemption of Chrift , as a peculiar & no common Melling. Let them confider it , for it concerneth them not a little , feing all char come to glory will fing to the honour of their Redeemer , uponother grounds , as we fee , then thefe-are, which our Ad- verfaries lay down , and plead fo earneftly for. If any fay , that Chtift more- over hath purchafed faith to fome, even toall that areaaually faved. 1Anf- wer. As neither the Arminian., nor femi-Arminianr, I mean the followers of Camero will fay this , or grant fo much ; fo the granting of ir , will evert the other Univerfal Conditional Redemption ; for the Scripture fpeakcth but of one kind of Redemption , of one Price laid down , ofone Covenant betwixt Jehovah & the Mediator; -& ofone Giving unto Chrift of Perfons to be re- deemed. Shall we think , that Chrift would lay down as great a ranfome for fuch , as he was not to purchafe faith unto, as for the reti ? Shall we think that he would lay down his life in vaine , & make no purchafe thereby ? And of the Reprobat , for whom he was not CO purchafe faith , he knew he could make no parchafe ; for without faith his death would be of no advantage un, to them. And where do we read , that all were given unto him to redeem ? Yea , are not the given ones clearly ditlinguished from the rest ? job: 17: 6,9d as we cleared above. Againe (32.) If the Redemption of Chrift be Univerfal , and Conditio. nal : it mutt necef arily follow , that Chrift laid down his life and the price of his blood , as much for Judas , and all the Reprobate, as he did for 'sohn -, and all the Elea: for the Redemption being Conditionally for all , it cane not be more for one, then for another. And yet this cannot be raid , as ap- peareth from the reafons formerly adduced. This would fay , that the Fa- thers and Chritts love was equal. towards all ; and th it no more was purcha- fed for the one, than for the other; and that the Elea have no more bene fire by Chritts death, than the Reprobat have ; and that Chrift had no more an eye to Redeem the Elea by his death , than to Redeem the Reprobar; & was no more a Cautioner for the one, than for the other: all which and the like cannot but be looked upon, as moll abfurd. Shall we think that Chrift became fin , as well , or as much, for yudas , as for Peter ? Shall We s think, that He redeemed all alike from the Curie of the Law ? Thefe found ill to Chriftian ears. So (33.) we may thus reafon: Either Chrift's Redemption is Conditional Univerfal , as to the Price laid down &Satisfaaion mad; or as to the Application & Aaual bellowing of the benefices purchafed : But neither can- be faid to the advantage of the Adverfaries caufe; for if the laß be laid., we wi I ngly grant that fome of the benefices, as juflification; Adoption , and a auall Glorification ,. are conferred it a manner conditionally : but Tome es faith and the New heart , are given ablblutely : and this cannot heap the, Adverfaries caufe, for they will not fay , that either all have faith, bellowed", Z_zz 3-, upon..