56o Arguments agairafl Univer fat Redemption. upon them or that all are by believing Juftified & Adopted &c, and fo this is not Univerfall : and ifthe firfi be Paid, to wit , That Chrift laid down his life Conditionally it mutt be Paid , that Chrift did not lay down his life Ab- folutely , but upon fotne condition ; and what can that Condition be, upon which the death of Chrift was fufpended ? If it be laid , that the faith of tho- fe , to whom it was to be preached , was the Condition : then it muff be faid , that Chrift did not die untill thefe believed , or that his death was no fatisfation or price, untill they actually believed : and then the Father could not be well pleafed with the price as a fatisfaction , until mens Faith came to make it an Atrial price : which is both abfurd , and contrary to Scripture. If it be faid , That Chrift did abfolutely lay down his life a fatis factory Ranfom , and that for all , yet fo as none, that would not fulfil the Condition , should be redeemed. I Anfiver. If it was an Abfolute fatisfactory Ranfome, & accepted as loch , fomething mutt have been purchafed there- by , & all behoved actually & really to be delivered from the Law & from the curfe, or from fomething, by vertue of that Abfolute Price; and they could not be made to pay over againe what was payed by the price of his blood ; for Juftice could not call for two fatisfaIions. And if all were , upon this Abfolute Price payed , Redeemed from the Law , the Curfe , & the Sentence of the firft Covenant no man shall now die for that broken Cove- nant. If It be faid, No man was Abfolutely delivered even from that , but on. ly Conditionally. I Anf: How then was it an Abfolute Price ? Or what was purchafed thereby ? Ifit be faid , That a poflìbility of Freedom was abfolutely purchafed. Anf. This was rejected above: and the Scripture inferreth Aäual Redemption from Chrifts purchafe, He shall juflifie many, for he shall bear their iniquitiesEiai. 53: a t. which faith, That all whofe iniquities he did bear, shall be Actually & Really Juftified by him , & not have a meer Pollibility of Juflification. Further (34.) VTe may thus argue , If Chrift died for all & every one, He either died for all Abfolutelyor Conditionally , The firft cannot be faid, for the reafons already adduced militate againti that. Nor can it be faid , that He died for all Conditionally : for then ei her he died to purchafe Life & Salva- tion mall upon Condition of their performance of fomething propofed asa Condition; or to purchafe falvation , and all the meanes thereunto or Con - ditions thereof, Conditionally , But neither of there can be faid. Therefore &c. Themaj is clear from this; that the enumeration is full, &noothec way can this Conditional Redemption be conceived or explained. The minor may be thus confirmed , The firft way cannot be faid to wit, that life and falvation was purchafed to all , upon a Condition to be by them performed, that is, upon Condition of their believing : for either this Condition is in the power of every fon of Adam , or not : if it be not in their power (as all but Pelagianr will confefs) then this Redemption is no Redemption ; for a Redemption of Captives upon a Condition impofï'ible to them, is as good as no Redemption. Nor;can the Taff way be faid,, to wit, that Redem- ption, and all the Conditions & Means thereof were Conditionally par. chafed ; for n.,,.. , the Condition of thefe Conditions ? Md