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Arguments gain fi Univer fal Redemption. 563 Faith & new Obedience , shall be imputed to us , as our Immediat Righ- teoufnefs, & the ground of our Right to Glory. What accord is betwixt this frame of the Covenant of Grace , & that way of juftification held forth by Socinianr, Arminianr & Papiflr , the learned will eafily fee ; and how con- trary it is ro the Covenant of Grace held forth in the Gofpel , & hitherto pro - felled & maintained by the orthodox, every one acquainted therewith can- not be ignorant; & it is obvious, how oppofite this is unto what the Apo - ftle faith Phil. 3: 8, 9. yea doubtlefs , and I count all things but lots , for the excel- lency of the knowledge of Cbrifl efus my Lord, for whom 1 have fuffered the lofs of all things and do count them but dung; that I may win Chrifl , and be found in him , not having mine own R ghteoufnefr , which is of the Law ; but that which is through the Faith of Chrift, the Rigbteou fnefs which is of God by Faith. And Tit. 3: 5, 6, 7. Not by works of 1 ighteou fnefs, which we have done, but according to his mercy he faxed ur , by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the .Holy Ghofl which he shed on us abundantly , through fetus Chrifl our Saviour : that being juflified by his grace, we should be made heirs , according to the hope of eternal life. And &om. 3: 2.0, 21, 22, 24. Therefore by the deeds of the Law there shall no flesh be ju fli fled -- but now the Rigbteou f refs of God without the Law is manifefi -- even the ß ighteoufnefs of God , which is by Faith of jefus Chri ft , unto all and upon all them that believe -- being juflified freely by his grace, through the LZedemption, that is in Jefus Chriji. And many other places. It is no lefs clear , how hereby the true nature of juftifying faith, and Gofpel Obedience is perverted : & with - all how dangerous this is, if put into praaí.ce ; or if men adt & live according- ly every ferious exercifed Chriftian knoweth. F I N I h. Aloe i{' ., t434 + i'7n. ilia .4 c ,-i -.,/t: '1 coa.4, . COW hi o 0114 -t./ ±'i I 4.Aie twt1á