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he Contents, CHAP. VI. CHAP. V]I. CHAP.VIiI. CHAP. IX. CFIAn. X. By woks , which Paul excludeth , is not meant the writ of WO /fis. 4.31 Tantes z. 14. cleared & vindicated. 486 No countenance given to yuftification by works from yam. z. 14. &c. 497 John Forbes his Arguments againft the Imputation of Cbrift's Active obedience, examined, with a View of \Vendelin's rea- (onings againil it. 5O E The Fathers give Countenance to the Doltrine of Imputation, force Papifts approve it. 518 .Arguments againi Univer fal Redemption. 526 E R R A T A . }Ag.1.1. r ÿ, fir waule read Auld. p.z.1,c7, r. Efi:aies. p.3.1.3. r. Efientials. p,4..1,4. r. fäfegúardeà.1.7. r. to be att3cqued.1.; 9. r. Nótions. p.7. I. 3 6. r. held forth, l-4 r. r.olrt:p.8.1.r8,r.jhít Zf.r. p.t8.1,;1. r. for inZhy fight. p.zo. 1. penult. r. laÿing. p. 21. ` . r. exeft. p.z_4. 1. ,8. r. oftèntimes. p.z S. 1. t7. f8r this,s , his. p. 31. 1, t4. far faifty. r. feaí{ ing. p.;;. l.z. for portion. r. poffeflion 1.9.}andeth. p.;7, 1. r.. r. tranfgreffor. l. rZ riìnned.1. ult. r.1-are. p. 3S. 1.9. r. nbr_ wit h Randing. 1.; r. r. derironz p.46.1.6, r. la,j eth down. 1. z8. for nf r. if. 1. 32. rjufte. L37. r. 4speareth.1,38. r, people. p. Z7. 1, io. r. taile, 1.t r, r: `wages p. f 8,1.2.3. r. the Nature and Native work. p.19.1.30. r; made over unto. p.6o. Z42.,` thanwhat. p.69.1.z4` Chrift's p.7o.1.33,r `thantheRighteoulirefs p.75.1, ult. r. xxPaxp:Ftv.. p.Z6.1.1. r. ocxziaf.ea, p. S I. 1.26. r. profeeution. p, 82. lin. 3. ìr fine. r: Chrift.p.84.l.zo.r. Spirit oldie Lord. l.penislt.r. bélievers.l. 8 5.1.9. r. óf the Moral, p.g0.1, z z. r. `and if we be made. p. 91. 1.6. r.'111 the iniquities. 1.8. l'head of ths: goat. p.9z.l.6.r,ilieí.ewords. p.^,, l.zz,deAt: p.9f.d.t.&8.r.'tircuméifion: p. 97. h4. r. 7uteablenefl'e, p. t o4. , 5. r. 'Nor is it. p.134. l.2. S, r, ás faith it felt. p. r f9. 1.3o. r. éàacuateth. .p,zSr: R j4. Y.immediate imputation of p434. 1.14. r. bhargeáble. p.476.1.37.r.1words. fire. r. drawn. ibid. r. ountenan- ce. p./ it. d.8. r.`kerition. p.f 14.12.4. for hoas. r`how, p.5z t.1.1 z.r. Pater meias< p./ 33. l.zz. r. Ifnot , then he was not. I. 24.r, If he new , en he knew that they would. 1. z8, delebf. 432.. r. he not. p. f 37. d.z3, r. ñDt one man. 1.35. r. 15riefts. p.538. l.22,23. r. but all their fins charged u on their own fcore. p. 539. l.3 f. r. trìfpaflës. d.3 6. r. dobt éil'e. p.S4 t. l, to, r, tuumentallÿ, 1.14. a t ci alcb.t31, p. 5; t;1.17. n o l.pen{slt. for is r. k., ffVr , A . {/ f', :..I ff's 1..r. . ,- r e . r ñ n tis y`,' `- . . ,,,,,,jjj1 R ! , , y:.. - t,, .- a . s 4 avl' -5c. .1.13. 1 4, . ).7 ,