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46 whit;nyfferies in juflifccaiion. C H A P. 6, or not (peak eonfequentially; for when one la'írdown a fatisfa Rory price for another , it muff be reckoned upon the fcore of & imputed to that o- ther ; to the end , he may be dealt with as if he had laid it down himfelf; & thereby be freed from what otherwayes he muff have undergone : & if upon the account of that SatisfaElion he be not fo freed it cannot be cal- led a SatisfaElion for him. When Chrifl Iaith dew his life for His f beep, His Cheep mull not dye & perifh ; for if they perifh , He did not die for them ; & if they perifh not becaufe of His dying for them , His death mull: be imputed to them ; & upon the account of it they mule be Paved So that Chrift's dying for His own is dying in their Room, Perlon, place & Stead, as the particle formanifefly importeth 2Sam. IS:(3 ;. Gen. 44 :33. Numb. 3: z z Rom. 5: 6, 7. Hence His Ranfome is exprefly called .iyriAvr,.v , I Tim. 2: 6. Many moe arguments might be here adduced , for confirmation of this Truth ; but I (hail fatisfy my Pelf at prefent with thefe few & plaint ones; & fo proceed. S. This Myffery is alfo confiderable here That both the juffice of God, the Mercy &free Grace of God , take place in this matter. Socinians cry up the Mercy & free Grace of God, in the matter cif juflification : but it is to this end , that they may with more defperat confidence , fhut out the Juflice of God, fo as it may have no place there : & therefore they deny all SatisfaEtion, Redemption & Atonement &c. ( except what is meerly metaphorical) becaufe they cannot fee , how jullice & mercy both can with joint hands concurre to our jollification. But the Apoftle, better taught than they, & better acquainted with the mind of Chrift, in this Myffery, than they are , feeth no Inconfflency; But rather declareth the fweet& & perfed harmony & concurrence of thefe , in this myflery ; telling us Rom.3: 24,25, z6. That we are juJlifled freely by His grace; & yet addeth, through the redemption , that it in Jefus Chrifl , whom God hath fet forth to be a propitiation, through faith in His blond, to declare His righteoujnefs , &c. And agatne, to declare His righteonfnefs, that He might be full], d?' the jufr'ifer, of him, whichbeleeveth in tefus. Here is a free grace triumphing; & yet Juflií(ce declared and manifefted; God declared to be jolt, and His righ- teoufnefs manifelled; & yet !inners and beleevers jullitied freely by grace. So Eph. r: 7, S. There is a Redemption through the price of blared; & yet a free pardon of ftnnes , according to the riches ofGodr grace , wherein He bath aboun- ded towards us, in all tt'ifdome d.^' prudence. But if it be enquired, wherein ap- peareth this mercy and freedom ofgrace, in our jollification , Icing there was a SatisfaElion made to j office , for all the firmes of His people ? I anfiver, (i) was it not as Ad of wonderful free grace & mercy , that , when the Lord might have executed the fentence of the Law upon us, according to that threatnir.g, that day thou eats , thou shalt die; and fo have made us,fin- ners, who tranfgrefTed the Law, to die and fuller; yet He would accept of a SatisfaEtion , at the hands of a Surety & Cautioner ? (2) Was it not Ad of grace & mercy to us, that He himfelf would provide a Surety and put His name in our obligation; & fo make Him fin for us, who know no fin, & lay all our iniquities upon Him,that He might bear the punishment,due ro us