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What myfterzesare in juffifieation. C 1/ A P. 6. fified, whether he beleeve , or not; & the Righteoufnefs ofChriff muff be his , before he beleeve. But , leaving the debating of that Queflion , whether faith properly taken , that ir, as our ad , done in obedience to the com- mand of God , be Imputed to us , ar our righteoufnefs ? until! we come to the next parr of the words. I fhall only now fay , as to the other thing here alleiged, That they , as ignorant of the Gofpe!, feigne an oppofition in things , atxìong which the Gofpel pointeth forth to us aperpetual & har- monious agreement; & upon the other hand , they will parch -up a recon- ciliation & agreement betwixt thofe things , which the Gofpel fetteth at perfect Oppofition & variance : for Paul better acquainted with the Go- fpel, F?,: with the nature of Gofpel- juffification, than they , tels us, yea he proveth it by many Arguments , That by the deeds of the Law , there fhaf no fefh bc- juflificd; & confequently, not by faith, as one deed or work of the Law. And he maketh mention of the righteoufnefs of God tvithout the Law; & faith , that that righteoufnefs of God is imputed to upon all them , that be- leeve. And notwithflandingof this; he tels us, that this Righteoufnefs is by faith of gefus Chriß, dT imputed to all that beleeve, exclufive of others itom. 3: 2o, 21)22. And againe he tels us , that as we are juflifed freely by his. grate ; yet it is through the kedemption, that is in ¡efu.s Chrifl, whom God hath fet forth to be a propitiation, through faith in His bioud very 24, zç. And againe veri 26. as God is declared in this matter to be jufl ; fo is he the ju- d3tter of him only , that beleeveth in efus. Moreover vers 27. he mentioneth the Law offaith, as oppofite to the Laty of vorkr , in that it excludethboafbng :. & concludeth againe vers z S. That a man is jufli fled by faith, without the deeds oftbe Law , and vere3o. that God jußifiethby faith e through faith. Yet we never hear , that he faith , we are juflrhed for faith or upon the account of faith. Further , That faith is required , in order to juflification, is clear. from Row. 9: 3 32. where it is laid , that Ifrael which followed after the Law of righ- teoufnefs hat,L not attained to the Law of righteoufnefr , becaufe they fought it not. by faith, but as it were by the works of the Law. Thisalfo is fully proved by the fame Apofile, in this Epiffle to the Galatians, knowing (faithe he Chap. 2: 16.) that a man it not juflified f e by the works of the Lam , but by the faith of Plus Chrifl; even we have beleeved in jefus Chrifl , that we might be juilified by the_ faith of Chrsfi. And to pointe forth this Interefi of faith; & yet not as imputed for our righteoufnefs , when properly taken , the fame Apoflle Phil, 3; 9, calleth that righteoufnefs, which he oppofeth unto his own righteoufnefs, which is of the Law, a righteoufnefs, which is through the faith of Chrifi, d? the righteoufnefs which is of God by faith. By all which, & many other paffages mentioning our iuflification by faith, which might be cited , we fee that the Lord hath fo ordered the matter, that faith fhould have an Inrerefi in juftification as an Infirumental caufe, or fome (itch thing ( for to contend about words, is not much to edification) as may fully denote & pointe forth the Emphafis of the Scripture exprelrons herein; inch as are to be found Rom.v 22, 2S, 3e. & in other places now cited; and that becaufe- faith carrieth a poor convitted & felf-condemned finner out ofhimfelf, to leek a righteoufnefs is Chrift, ita & upon the acount of which, he may be accep,