Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C H A P. 6. what myleries in juflificatian. 53 in order to Remifïïon, it is to be taken as diftiná , far lets as feparated from faith , but as including faith , being the neceffary concomitant and confequent thereof , as alto the publick and fenfible expreffìon and evidence of true and lively faith : for Repentance being towards God , & a turning to God , from whom Sin draweth the Soul away , mutt of neceflity have faith towards our Lord Jefus Chrift accompanyingit, and laying a ground for it, feingthere is no coming to the Father but by the Son. joh. 14: G. (4.) Tofay , that by Imputation of Chrift's Righreoufnefs, we should ha- ve no more need 9f Repentance than Chrift had , who was wholly with- out Sin , is to imagine , that we dream of fuch an Imputation , as maketh us to have been no Sinners , or under no guilt ; and confequently to have. flood in need of no gracious Imputation. But we affert no fuck- thing; for we were Sinners , and to flood in need of a Righteoufnefs to be imputed to us in order to our juflification. And he who gracioufly did provide this Righteoufnefs for us, might alto , without the leafs derogation from r he freedom and glory of his Grace & Favoure . as appointe the meanes , Me- thod & way , how he will have us made partakers of the benefices of this Grace & Imputed Righteoufnefs fira & laic ; fo alto to prefcribe what du- ties He thought meet for fuch , as He had fo vifited with Grace Sc Mercy. 14. Another part of this Iviyflery lyethin this, Thar juflification through the Imputed Righteoufnefs of Chris , taketh nor away the rich & honoura- ble privilege of Adption. Such , as are Adv erfaries unto this Imputation of Chrift's Righteoufnefs , alleige that there is no confiffency here ; becau- fe , fay they , if Chrift's Righteoufnefs or Obedience should be imputed un- to us , that fo we may have a Right and Title to life , according to the te- nour of the Covenant , do this and live , Adoption, by which this Title and Right is conveyed, according to the Scriptures, isrendered Ufelefs. But not to mencione the great difference, that is betwixt the Life and Privileges of Life, a Right whereunto is folemnly had in Adoption ; and the Life, that was promifed in the old Covenant , by there words , do this. and Live. They confider not, that the Imputation of Chrift's Righreoufnefs doth no more deftrov or takeaway Adoption than it Both deftroy , or take away pardon; and that it is fo far, from rendering either Ufelefs, that it efiabliiheth both , & is the ground and firme Bali: of both : for as without the Impu- tation of Christ's Righteoufnefs and Satisfaótion , there can be no ground for pardon ; fo without the Imputation of his Righteoufnefs and obedience thereisno ground tor Adoption. As jultification is a folemne and formal flaring of a perfon to Favour. & reconciliation with God, and in pardon of Sinnes; fo Adoption is a Solemne and formal (facing of a perfon in a Right toglory and to all the Privileges of Son -ship here & hereafter, Now nei- therof thefe are rendered Ufelefs, through the Dottrine of Imputation; but both are the more cleared, confirmed and fecured thereby. The Impu- tation of Righteoufnefs is not tormally pardon it felf, nor :is it formally a Right to glory ; but the neceffary ground of both. Chri f} s Righteoufnefs is Imputed, that we may be juitified, and that we may be Adopted; that G 3 is , fo-