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C H A P. 6, what,nyfferics in juiieation. 5 5` flification through the Imputation of Chrift's Righteoufnefs , and faith Iaying hold on the fame, the Law is not made void , but effablished ; as the A.poflle faith Row.;: 31. and the righteoufnefs of the Law is in Come fenfe fulfilled in us , being fulfilled in our Nature, by Chrift , the Me- diator and Surety Rom. 8: 4. yet we are not juftified by the Law , but by the Gofpel; not by the Covenant of works, but by the Covenant of Gra ce. The Adverfaries to Imputation alleige , that we, by of erting the fa- me, do eftablish juilification by the works of the Law , becaufe the obe- dience of Chrift was obedience to the Law , and fo legal Righteoufnefs; and if that be imputed to us , fo as we are accounted to have done what he did, we mutt be juftified by Law - righteoufnefs, & confequently by the Law ; which is contrary to the Scriptures. But in anfwere to this I fay (t.) They advert not , that force of themfelvesdo exprefly call Chrift's Righteoufnefs , our legal, or prolegal righteoufnefs ; & therefore it muff be a righteoufnefs anfwering the Law , & alfo made ours. (2.) Nor do they obferve , that juftification by the Law: or by the worksof the Law, which the Scriptures fpeak fo much againft , is not to be underftood in their fenfe; the obvious , plaine and only meaning thereof being this, that no man can be juftified by his own perfonal obedience to the Law , for by the Law, the doers only of the Law are juflified Rpm. z: 13. The plaine tenor of the Law is Set down. Rom.Io: S. Where Motes is men- tioned, as defcribing the Righteoufnefs of the Law to be this , that Je man , who doth thole things , shall live by them. Levit. i S: 5. When the- refore t the Law faith, that the man, that doth thefe things , shall live by them, & not, the man that either doth thofe himfelf, or getteth a cau- tioner to do them for him , shall be juftified ;. it is manifeft , that we are not juftified by the Law,. feing we do not thefe things ourfelves, in our otmn perfons ; but by the Gofpel , which only provideth this surety, propofeth juflification through His Righteoufnefs imputed & received by faith. Thus we fee. That juftification through the Imputation of Chrift's Righteoufnefs, dothquiteannull & deftroy our lultification by the Law all Imputation being rnconfiftent with Law-juftification , &repugnantthe reunto, becaufe it is of grace; & what is of Grace, neither is, nor can be of works. E pm. ti: 6. (3,.) ' e affert not Imputation in thisfenfe, to wit : That we are accounted & reputed to have done what Chrift did ; for thatcannotbe, God cannot judge amiffe; butHe should judge amiffe if He fhould judge, that we did what Chritt did. Our meaning is this , that the Beleever, being now united unto Chrift, hath an Intereft in Chrift's Righteoufnefs &upon the account thereof, now reckoned upon his Score by Imputation, he is freed from all that the Law could charge upon him, and that as fully, to all ends, as if he had performed that Righteoufnefs himfelf. 17. It is likewife here confiderable, That we are juftified upon the account of the Righteoufnefs of Chrift imputed ; and yet this Righteoufnefs of Chrift is the proper meritorious caufe of our juftification, & of all that aolloweth there upon. Some, who oppofe this Imputation, imagine an ,oppofi-