Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

64 atf{áf, through Ch. Right. geared from the co. T. C x A P. 7; acknowledged 5 celebrated by his people ofthejemes , as the great author dr procurer of that righteoufnefs , or juflification in the fight of God, upon whichaboundancs of outward glory , peace i5 profperity fhould be call upon them. Anf. (I.) That this is not to be reflri ted to the Lewes , is manifetl , feing it is fpoken of the Gofpel rimes when the righteous Branch fhall be railed up unto David , & a King (hall reigne & profper. (2.) his too carnal an Interpre- tation , to think, the text fpeaketh only offuch a juflification , as is followed with aboundanceofoutward Glory , peace & Profperity; whileas the whole Gofpel informeth us offomething more fpiritual,attending upon &following juflification. (3.) Righteoufnefs & juflification are here made Synonymous, which ought not to be; though thefe two be infeparably lincked together; yet they are formally different. (4.) \Wherein flandeth this righteoufnefs & juflification ? He tels us, in the place , to which he here referreth us, that it flandeth in Remiffion of fins : But pardon of fins is no righteoufnefs; though a man pardoned hath freedom from the obnoxioufnefs to punifh- ment ; yet righteoufnefs is another thing , & refpeCterh the obligation to duty , required in the Law. (ç.) Though it is true , Chrift is indeed the author of ourjuflification & pardon ,( which is an effed of God's pronoun- cing us righteous , & of His accepting of us , as righteous in juflification ) as o$our peace; yet that needeth not deftroy what we affect , there being no inconfiftency here, but a neceflfary & eíTentiall agreement betwixt the Imputation of Chrift' righteoufnefs & juflification ; but it rather contribu- teth to the eflablishment of our Affertion : Yet it isobvious, that when Chrift is called the Lord our R.jghteoufnefs , there is more Imported , than His being the author of our peat. & juflification ; even the way alfo, how He bringeth about our peace &juflification, is here denoted , to wit , His being made of God righteoufnefs to His people ; fo that His righteoufnefs beco- meth theirs , in order to their peace & juflification. But to confirme his Interpretation, he tels us, i. That the lmpofitionofname upon either thing or perfon, often notes the quality, or propriety in either, or fa- me benefite redounding from either, anfvereable thereunto. as Efai. 9, his name shall be called wonderfull , that is, he shall be acknowledged ¿c looked upon by men, as a doer of things very firange. Anf. Seing all thefe names given to Chrift Efai. 9. cannot be fo interpreted, as to have this import mentioned; for who will fay, that the name everlafling Father, & the mighty God can be fo interpreted, as to denote only !Come anfwerable benefite redounding therefrom ; who Teeth not how little this can fatisfie ? But (z. ) be it fo, that this name fhall denote forne benefite, redounding therefrom, why may it not denote this Effect, which is only anfwerable hereunto, to wit, that His people shall be made partaker of His Surety righteoufnefs, & ha- ve the fame made over unto them, as they become united unto Him , & have His name called upon them. He tels us z. That it is familiar to attribute the Ef d to its Cat: fe, or Au- thor, by a verbe fubflantive only ; as when Chriflis called our Hopi our life, RçfurreFfion peace & Glory , meaning that he is the author &purcha f èr of all thefe. Anf. Yet this proveth not that He is the author of all thefeEffeólsafter one