Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C P. S. :ußif. through input. of ch. Right. cleared from the N.T. 7 gave perfect obedience to the Law, and was confiituted Mediator and Su- rety by the Father , and as fuch did give full SatisfaEtion both in obeying the Law , and in paying the penalty be not fuch an obedience to the Law, as will ferve every Beleevers turne , where elfe will the beleever finde a more adequateRighteoufnefs ? Shall we think , that his aEt of faith, which is but one ad of obedience CO the Law , or an at of obedience to one command of the Law , hath a more perfect & abfolure agreabinefs to eve - ry mans condition refpedively, than the perfedt obedience & Righteouf- nefs of Chrilt l Let fuch beleeve this, as can. r 2. He faith. The R.jghteoufnefs, which God is faid here to i'mpute,le placed in R.emiffion of Sins. An. . That Imputation of Righteoufnefs and pardon of fames do infeparably go together, is true; and that the one proveth the other , is alto clear from tiefe words. But it is not proved , not can it be proved , that Imputed Righteoufnefs and Retriffion of Sins are the fame; feing it is obvious enough , that Righteoufnefs is one thing , and pardon of finnesis anotherdìftinct thing. No man will fay , that a pardonedthiefe, is a Righteous man ; for that were as much , as to fay , He was never a thiefe. It is true , by pardon He is no more obnoxious to the penalty ; the obligation to underlye that being now taken away : yet that will not evin- ce, that He is a Righteous man : and there is Rill a differtence betwixt him, and one that never was chargable with that guilt : this man , as to this, is indeed a Righteous man , but not the other. 3. He faith. The phrafe of imputing Righteoufnefs is beff underflood by the contrary expreffion of imputing fin ; this fignifieth either to look upon a perftn, as jufily liable to punishment ; or to infiiti punishment upen him , in confedera- tion of fin. Therefore doubtlefs to impute Righteoufnefs importeth nothing elfe, but either to look upon a man as righteous , or to conferre upon him the privileges belonging to perfons truely righteous. 'Inf. This is true , if we fpeak of a per- fon , who is truely Righteous , antecedently unto this Imputation"; as the finner is fuppofed to be truely a finner antecedently unto this Imputation. But when fin is imputed to a Righteous perfon , or to one , who, before the imputation , was not guilty, nor looked upon as a Sinner, as Sin was imputed to Chrift the Holy and Righteous one, who knew no fin; and as Sin through injuftice, was imputed to Naboth, who was not guilty of what was laid to his charge ; Imputation , in this cafe , muft import force thing elfe, than either of thefe two mentioned, and that antecedently to an holding of that perfon liable to punishment, or to a punishing of him, with confideration to that fin : thus before Cnrifi could be looked upon as a perfon liable to punishment , or could be punished for fin by the Righ- teous God, fin mutt fira have been imputed to Him, and reckoned upon His Score ; and that Righteoufly, becaufe of His undertaking and willing- ly fubmitttng to the debt, as Surety : as when to .Tabel would have Naboth killed as a Malefactor, she firft by injuftice and ináíred meanes , made him guilty of fin , & then held him liable to punishment, and dealt with him accordingly. So, upon the other hand, when Righteoufnefs is imputed to a finner (as we all.arefinners) before He can be looked upon as a Righ- teou&»