THE PREFACE. that,uftification is depending upon this vertue, and con - fequently that a nian by Faith , as a vertue, melt be juftified: and becaufe Repentance should be acknowledged as a Con- dition of eternal happinefs, beide the vertue of Faith, there- fore they imagine that juftification may be fufpended even upon Repentance; fo that we mutt believe, that,uftifica- tion is not only by Faith, but alfo by Repentance. But, O my Brethren , ye are out of the way , ye have left your firft love! Remember therefore from whence ye are fallen, and repent, and do the firft works ! Remember the former dayes and years ! Remember your former Divines at the beginning of the Reformation , f uel, Whitaker°r, T er kins, and other glorious liars once shining in your Coun- trey ! Remember the Apologie of your Church againie that harlot of Rome, written by that molt excellent Divi- ne J.5uel B. of Salisbury, 8: approved of your Fathers!R.c- memberyour Confeflion aggreeing with all the Confeflìons of Reformed Churches, and confirmed in the dayes cif ,Eli /abeth t_dn. i 562. by a Synodical decree ; yea by the Parliament of yourKingdome! Remember the former ages, when the Doctrine of 4n felwe r Bradwardine Archb; of Canterbury againft Pel; gianifine founded & obtained in your Churches ! Yea Bradwardine his book de Caufa 'Dei oppofed to the Caufe of men defended by Pelagianiime, printed firft in this age L...471.1616. in the dayes of King Ja - naes, who himfelf was a great Adverfarie to Arminian te- nets, by the care and fludie of George e... 4bboth a worthy fuc- ceffour of that great Divine, becaufe he loved the Doctrine of Grace ,, and could not endure tl2t Arminian errours should infeee the Church of England, to that time depen- ding onely upon the grace of our Saviour JefùsChrift. But what great iniquitie is it now to negleet this grace, and, leaking the principles of Proteftant Religion, torely upon