Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

78 7uffif through Irnput. of ch. Right: cleared from the Ñ.T. C n A P. 8. 3. He faith. That claufe in them flu /! notes either a fu6jettive inhefion of fo- ,nethings in perfons or elfe pone bind of Efficiency. But the R.jghteoufirefr of Chrifi if Su Natively and inherently in Hitnfelf only ; nor are we the workers of this righteoufirefr, Anl Though the Righteoufnefs of Chrift be fubjedtediu Him only, & wrought by Him alone yet the fame being imputed unto Beleevers , the Righteoufnefs of the Law may be Paid to be fulfilled in them becaufeby faith they are in Chrift, & Chrill is in them : and in them , is as much , as for then , or upon them , or on their account ( as this fame per, fon hereafter grab teth, in a like cafe) & fo it is accepted of God for all ends, as if it were performed by them; & fo it is fulfilled in our nature, for for this end , He came in the likenefsof finful flesh. 3. He faith. If by Righteoufnefs of the Law we underftand that entire obe- dience , which every beleever , according to the great variety of their feveral con - ditions,callingr, di' relations fiand bound to performe , it cannot be Paid to be ful- filled in them , by the imputation of Chrifl's righteoufneJ. : for every beleever it bound to many moe particular aîts , than can be found in all that golden Catalo- gue of works of Righteoufnefs performed by Chrift. Anf. If the works of Righteoufnefs , performed by Chrift, shall not be a compleat Righteouf- nefs, that can Satisfie the demande§ of the Law , where shall beleevers get a compleet Righteoufnefs ? Shall their poor imperfedf obedience , where - with' themfelves are not fatisfied , but complarne much of, and mourne for , be a more perfect & compleat fulfilling of the Righteoufnefs of the Law, than was the perfedt obedience of Chrift, with which the Father was well pleafed ? Or shall the Tingle & weak at of their Faith ( as this Author faith ) be a more entire fulfilling of the crceico .a of the Law, than the Catalogue of the works of Righteoufnefs, performed by Chrift? What probable ground is there for this imagination ? (a.) Chrift's obedience was perfedt, & the Law - giver was fatisfied there with , & accepted of it , in the behalfe of all the chofen ones, & all their defeas & finnes, in their vari- ous conditions, callings & Relations , were done away by the Satisfad}ion made by Chrift : fo that the sueala¡,taof the Law was perfectly fulfilled; in their behalf; & this being imputed unto them & received by faith ,`no more is requifite unto a flawing of them into a flare of pardon & right to glory. 5. He faith, The word z i' ua frgni freth not obedience to or conformity with the Law, but rather that juftification , which was the end and intent of the Law, or rather that jus, or right , or Law (as it were) of the Law. Anf. But all this will not weaken our Argument : for that right, jus or demand of the Law was , as to us now finners, both Satisfadtion for transgrefíìons com- mitted, and full and compleat obedience; & till both were done & per- formed , there could be no juftification of finners : and fo this rather eftablisheth than hurteth the dodl:rine of Imputation , whatever he may imagine. 6. He faith By the word Law, cannot necefarily be underflood the Moral Law for i. The weaknefs of the Law extends alto to the judicial and Ceremonial. 2. The /ewer, to whom he fpecially addreffeth him fèl f in all this di jputatisn, built as much