C H A P. S. 7ufif, through input. of ch. Fight. cleared from the N.T. 79 much on the obfervation of the Ceremonial Law. 3. The Moral Law though per- fatly obferved could not have jufified all men , at leafy , not the jewes , who we- re obliged to the obfervation of other Lames. 4. The Imputation of the obfervation of the Moral Lam would not have ferved for the juflifccation of the jewes, whe were under the tranfgrefion of other Lames. Alnf. It will fatisfie us, if by the Law here be underflood , that univerfal R tile of Righteoufnefs , which God prefcribed unto men , 8z that certainely is the Moral Law , whereof, as to the jewes, the Ceremonial & judicial were a pare, or were reduced un- to : & particularly the Ceremonial Law , being God's inflituted worship , they were obliged to obferve it by vertue of the Second command. And thus both the Exception , & all the Reafons confirming it, evanish : for (i.) we take not the Law here fo narrowly , as to exclude the other lawes which God gave to the jewes, feing theyare all reduced thereunto , & comprehen- ded thereunder. (2.) Paul is here mainly writting for Information of the Gentiles; lie Church of gone; 8: though there might be force jewes among them , 8é what he faith may be alío for their ufe : yet this will not prove that by the Lam, he undertlandeth any other , than that perfet rule of Righteoufnefs, which God gave unto them , comprehending thefe other Lawes as appendices thereof. (3.) The Moral Law , thus taken, ifob- ferved, could have juflified even jewes, if we fuppofe they had not been bornfinners. (e.) Chrifl having fulfilled all Righteoufnefs, His Righteouf- nefs was an obfervation of this Univerfal Law : & therefore the Imputa- tion thereof can ferve for the jollification both of jewes & Gentiles. Laflly He faith. The clearmeanìnf;nf the place feemeth to be this , That that jufli fication , or way of making menRjghtebus , which the writtings of Mofes pro - phefced of long fence , to wit, by faith in the Meffiah, might be accomplished, made good , and fully manifeßed in us , or upon us , vi, in our juflif cation who by an eminency of holinefs in our lives above the firaine and pitch of men under the Law, give teflimony unto ehe world, that the Me/flab , the great jufiifiier, is indeed come into the world, and having fiffered for fin and overcome death, hath poured out the Spirit of Grace aboundantly upon thole that beleeve. An f. (t.) To take the Law here for the meer w rittings of Mofes , & then to Interpret the fulfilling thereof, as is here done, is to exclude the witneffiing of the Pro- phets, which Paul exprefly mentioneth kinu.3: 2i. (2.) What could this contribute to prove, that there was now no condemnation to fuch , as were in Chrift Jefus, among the Gentiles ? (3.) Howcan this be a proof of what was laid vers 3. foregoing ? (4.) How can this be the end of Chrift's con- demning fin in the flesh , as himfelf faid it was , Except 2 ? (S.) He told us before , that Lealc»Fea did properly Signifie jus , righe, or Law of the Law , now I pray, what isthis ócxa1N,aa, this jus, right, of Mofes 's writtings ? And how is that cx,y.,16) ,.c or Righteoufnefs fulfilled ? (6.) 'What then can be meant by the weaknefsof Mofèr's writtings? or how could they be faid to be weak through the flesh ? (7.) And how could God be faid by this Inter- pretation , to fend His Son in the likenefs of finful flesh , becaufe Mofes's writtings were weak through the flesh ? (8.) I fee then, in us may import the fame that upon us importeth, though it was excepted againft formerly , as wo