C x A P. 8. 3tuf!if, by the Imput, of Ch. Right. cleared out of the o. T. 8 r he hence inferre ? r. (faith he ) That the righteoufnefr of God , that ir , the way that God holds for jufli ficatien ofinen, flandr in remiaion offinr Anf: Of this we have hithertill feen neither peer nor peep : pardon of fins bath no affinity with the cY ,.6í0,1u I&gis, the righteoufnefs of the law. z. Saith he That this righteoufnefs or jufli fication ofhis it witnej ed , that is alerted e vindicated by the la to, that is , the tvrittings of Moles. Anf. Neither is Righteoufnefs & jollification one & the fame thing , as we laid above , nor are the w sittings of Moles all the law & the prophets. Neither is witne led by the law the fame, withfulfillingof the low. 3. Saith he, That this tvay war not manifefed, de- clared, or fit (filled , that is , fully revealed to the bottom e foundation of it, till the coming of Chrifl , (LT dying for fin. Anf. What ever truth be in this there is no foundation for it here, but in his Imagination ; as is manifefl from what is laid. And thus this place is vindicated. Sixtly. l-Ie mentioneth next, that he may except againfl , Pon. 9: 3 s, 32. lift why is not vers 30. mentioned ? Is it becaufe the matter is there too clearly held forth ? Che Apoflle doth there expref y fay , That the Gentiles, which followed not after righteoufnefs, That is,did not pretend to jollification by their own works ; nor once think , by their own works to patch up a righ- teoufnefs, wherein they might appeare before God , and beabfolved) have attained to righteoufnefs . even the righteoufnefs which is of faith ( that is , have a righteoufnefs imputed to them , & they made poffefl'ours thereof by faith, laying hold upon it ) But I(raël (as it followeth vers 3 r. ) who followed after the law ofrighteoufnefs, bath not attained ta the law ofrighteoufnefr, (That is. Ifrael, whoconceiting their own works, & crying them up, and feeking after Ab- folution, juflification &life, by the law of righteoufnefs , and theircon- formity thereunto, 8z. that with all earnefinefs & eager pìofecutiop, have not attained to that, they were purfueing after ) vers 3 z. Wherefore ? becaufe they fought it not by faith , but ai it were by the works cfthe law ( that is , They would ' not fubmit to the Gofpel -wary of juffification , through the righteoufnefs of Chrif: , laid hold on by faith ; but would íliil be effaying the way of wól ks ; though all they did, was rather a shadow of obedience , or of conformity to the law, than true performat.ceof what was commanded.) The "Ethiopick Verfion, though a corrupt Tranflationi, yet hinteth fomething of the true fenfe, laying, But Iliad , following after their law, could not be juffified be- caufe they did not performe compleatly the commands of the law. Wherefore ? Be- caul e the law cloth not Ju flifie, but only it by faith , which per felleth the accomplish- ment thereof. And we may further notice here, that what the Apofile, when fpeakíng of the Jewes , calleth the law ofrightcou fnefs, he called, while (peaking of the Gentiles, limply Righteoufnefs : and what he there called therighteoufnefsoffaith; he here, (peaking of the jewes, calleth byfaith, in oppofition to the works of the law. What excepterh Mr. Goodtoine? ,He faith i.That by the law of righteoufnefs here cannot be meant the moral law, or any law: for God had prevented them withlthegift ofall thefe,fo that they needed not have fortghs after them. Anf. But Calvin thinketh there is an Hypall age here, & the lawofRfghteoufnefs is put for the IZightcoufnefs of the law. And if we 'tike the latvofttighseoufioefs here for thelaw of that law (as he himfelffpoke above?