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C H A P. 8. 7ttflif. by the Itttptst, of Ch. Right. cleared from the N.T. 83 is not manife[t , in this place. (z) Otherway^es this may paffe for part of the fence, for by faith he underffands the;at offaith it felf, as our righteouf- nefs, & not the Righteoufnefs of Chri[t, which faith laith hold on , or faith assaying hold on & receiving a Suretyrighteoufnefs,which is here imported, when the contrary is expret ed of the jewes , & of them it is faid , that they ¡fumbled at that flumbling jlone ; & in the next chapter it is Paid , they mould not fubmit themfelves unto the righteoufnefs of God. '1 hat he addeth , as a confirmation of this interpretation , is to no purpofe , for he fpeaketh no- thing to cleare the maine thing in doubt; but ail is to prove, that by the law of righteoufnefs, Righteoufnefs is meaned ; which is not denied : & withal! he taketh for granted , what is not proved & hath been denied vi That Righteoufnefs and Ju[tificationare one & the fame thing. Seventhly , Rom. 1o: 3, 4. A paffage clear & pregnant for our purpofe where the Apohle is but profecuting the fame purpofe , as to the jewes , and shewing whence their difappointement & miffing of that came , which they fo earneftly endeavoured after , vii. A righteoufnfs by which they might be ju[tified before God :for (faith the Apo[lle) they being ignorant of Gods Rsgh- teoufnefr , and going about to eflablish their own righteou fnefr, have not f sbmitted themfèlves unte the I&ighteou fnef ì ofGod: for Chri fi is the end of the law for righteeuf- nefr to every one that beleeveth. There is a Righteoufnefs here called Golf ßigf,- teoufnefr, which isoppofiteto, & inconfittent with mens owne righteouf- nefs , that is , all that is done by them in conformity to the law of God , as a righteoufnefs, whereupon tobejuflified : yea , fo great is this oppofition, that who ever laboures molt to eflablish & fet on foot his own Righteouf- nefs , or to feek after a Righteouftíefsby his own performances , is furtheft from the Righteoufnefs of God , as being both ignorant thereof, and in pride refuifing to fubmit thereunto. This Righteoufnefs of God is explained vers 4. to be the end of the law, that is , the full righteoufnefs , which the law, in its primitive inftitution, called for, & which is the accomplish- ment of the lawes defigne, as propo[ed to be a Rule of Righteoufnefs , and the condition of life promifed, upon the performancethereof. AndChrsjl is Paid to be this end of the law for rightcoufnee. He , by yeelding perfect obe- dience hath brought forth a righteoufnefs , in which the law bath its End , And Chrift is this, to every ones that beleeveth , the righteoufnefs being made over unto them who beleeve , and by faith lay hold on him; which , becaufe the Gentiles did, they therefore attained to this righteouf- nefs, Rom. 9: 3o. Mr. Goodwine , pag. 237. &c. excepteth feveral wayes,_ r There is (faith he) no colottre of teafon , that by the law here should be meaned precifely & deter - minatly the Moral law ; becaufe the fewer never dreamed of jufli (ication by"thir late only , but chiefly by the Ceremonial law. Befides, vers 5. heciteth that defcription, which Mofes giveth of the righteoufnefs of the law not out ofany paJjage of the Moral law; but out of the heart, as is were of the ceremonial law, Lev. I S: 5. /Inf. The fi'rft part of this Exception hath been often anfwered : we take not the Mo- ral law fo precifely & deterrninatly, as not to include, as parts or appas- dices, all other !awes given by God. And the /aft part of this Exception L, 2. w i 1l-