Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C n A P. Sa Yulif by the Imptit. of Ch. Right, cleared of the o. T. 35 thereof; & both fatisfie for its violation , & yeeld perfect obedience un- to its commands & fo fulfill it in all points : So that it had its end & ac- complishment in & through Him , & what He did & fufhered : & that He fubmitted Hitnfelf hereunto , that He might make up a righteoufnefs, wherewith the Law should be fatisfied for the juflification of Believers. (4.) Though the Moral Law nor no Law , confidered in it felf, can be any caufe or meanes of jutiifying a perfon , ot.herwife than by the obfervation of it fe &'though juílification by Chrift cannot be conceived to be the end ofmoralLaw : yet in Chrift's obedience & Suffering the Law may be Paid to have received its Accomplishment and Satisfaction ; & there- by a compleat Righreoufnefs may be laid to be obtained for all Belie- vers. Except, 3. The GreekE.xpoftors make Cori fl in thu fenfe , to Nulled the end of the law for righteoufnefs, becaufe he performed , or exhibited unto them that, which the lam propounded to it fel f, as its. end , e would have performed , but could not,to wit, their juflification. Anf. Seingthelaw ptopounded their juftifi- cation , as its end , only by the perfect obfervation of it felt, or by a full & perfect conformity unto it , Chrift cannot be called the end or accomplish- ment of the law, unlefs He had performed all that, which the law required : nor could He be called the end of the law for righteotifnefr , unlefs He had fully fatisfied the law ; and thereby made up a Righreoufnefs, in the behalfe , & for the behod e of Believers , to whom it beingImputed , they might be ac- cepted , & justified upon the account thereof. And this righteoufnefs* where with the law was fatisfied , & wherin it had its full accomplishment, is , I grant , exhibited in the Gofpel , to the end , that all , who would be.: juftified , may lay hold on it , receive it , & reft upon it , as the only righ- teoufnefs , in and through which they deliire to be accepted, and to [land be- fore God, the righteous judge. Except. 4. Some conceive, that Chrifiis faid to be the end of the law, riTc. Be- caufe the law, by convinceing men of fin , and exaaing of them a ftighteou fnefr, which it doth not enable them to performe ; & againe by threatning e condemning them for the want ofit, it doth as good as lead them by hand to Chrifl by whom they are freely juflified. But neither doth this feem to be the meaning of the place. Anf. Seing he hiaafelf is not fatisfied with this interpretation , he might have for- borne to have added it. But as for the interpretation it Pelf , I judge the thing Paid to be true , and that it hath a fubordinat afped unto what we have faid; & holdeth forth part of the truth; though itbe not a plaine and full expofition of the piace : for there is mention made here of a R.ighteoufnoft of God, which the jewes neither underflood , nor would fubmit unto : but in oppoltion to this they went about to eftablish their own righteoufnefs, that is , to feek after a righteoufnefs by their own works , or by their own obe dience to the law ; & therefore did mitre their end : for this righteoufnefs, which they were feeking after , & which they could not attaine unto , by all their own ads of obedience ; that is, a righteoufnefs , that was a perfect obedience & conformity to the law , & withall a Sufficient compenfation & Satisfaction for the breaches of the law, already committed, was only to be 1L 3 ac-