Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

I ~ ros · all tho1e l\1.eans fo-r Frui't,. that God hath ufed f(tH' the m-aking of hitn (if it ' might havt~ been} a fruitful Tree in his Ga.rden,. b.e i·s- in this , J?.anger ; ' and this ind.eed is · the Sum if tb~ Parable: rfhe Fig-tree · here mentioned,: was bleiTc::d ,.with the Applic<Hion of Means, hadl Time aHowed it to receive the ~ourifhm.ent ; · but it outftood, withftood, overftood all, aH thatr the HufbJndCi:l;Ul did, all that the Vim:- drdfer did. , · · S.1 c. ;, ~- of . being 'pajf G R A.C E.. But a Iittle d i:!l: 'incl:ly t:o. partil:ubnze in Four qr · Five Particulars. I , Fw/t, The D;.l y of Grnce- is _like to be pafl:, when a Profdfor hath with~ ftood, abufed, and; worn out_. God"s Patience ; thenc he is in Danger ; this, is. a Provocation; then God cries~ Cut. it down.. T h'ere are· fome Men that Jfeal into a Profeffion-~ no· bod:j. kn'OfWS. /Jv~ ; even as this Fig-tt~ee W'\S brought E 5 mt01