Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

' , The Barren· Fig-r'ree. • 2 9' a Hardnefi which darkened the Heart~ a I-iardnefs which made their Minds reprobate. 'This H·ardnefs is alfo the fame with that the Hebre·ws are cautioned to be aware of (n) ; ·, an Hardnefs that is C<:lufed by Unbdief, and a D~parting from the Living God ; an Hardnefs· through t he Deceitfulnefs of Sin : Such as that in the Provocation, of whbm · Q od fwa re,. that they ihould no~ ent er in to his R efl. 'Twas ~his kind of Hard;zefs al fo that both Cain, and Ijh- 'lnael, and Efau, were hardeneq· with~ a fter t hey had committed their gt:cat CJ:ranfgrefjions. .. . 2. It is the greateft kind of H'ardnefs ; and hence they a re · fa id to be harder than a Rock (o), or than an Ada- - _mqnt ;, that is, harder than · Flint. SQ · J ~ard that no.tj1ing can enter . 3· It is. an Hardnefs (p} giVen. ill; n1u ch Ange r, , and that to bind the , · F 5 Seu1 (n) Heb. iii. 7, t<J I 3· (a} J er. v: 3: (p}· Row.~ ii. ~