Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

·, J JO The Bur.ren Fig-ifree. Soul up in an Impoffibility of Repentance' (q). ' ·' I • I 4· It is an Hardnefs therefore w hi en is incurable, of which a ~1an muft die and be damned. Bairen Profejfor, heark-. en to this. A Fourth SI a N. ' ' , rburthly, {\riother Sign that fuch a , Profc!Jo~ is quite p~ft Grace, is when . lie fortifies his hard ' I-Ieart againft the ~enour o1 God's Word. -This is ea!- , led hardening then~;ez~,;s againfl God, and turning .of the Spirit ·againfl him (r) .. A ~ thus, when after- a Profeffion of FaitF · in the Lord Jefus, .and of. the boc-. tr ine th :.t t , is a,ccording to ' Godlj nefs," they !hall en1Lol.den -therr::felves in, Co L!:rfes of _Sin, by prornijing themfelveJ ' that they (hall harue Life and Salvation tiqhvithjl:ar.ding. Barren Profef!or, hea rk- ·Cn to thi;: J1'h is Man is .called , A J(oot that beareth Gall and Wormwocd, or , (q} Heb. vi . 6. , (1) Job ix. 4, 5, ·I 2, I 3·'