Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

'The }Jarren Fig-'Tree. · 1 3 r tJr a potf'onful Herb (s), fuch an one as is abominated of God ; yea, the Ab.. horrecl of his Soul. For . this · Man £1ith, I fhall ·bave Peaee, · thougb I wqlk in the ' imagination~ or Stubborrmeft of my·. . Heart, to add D1:unkennejs to· r'hirfl (t) ; an Opinion fiat againft t~e whole Word of God, yea, againft the very Nature of. (Jocl himfelf. Wherefore he adds~ that, ' 'Fhe;z the Anger of the J;.ord, and his 7 ealouJj fhal! fmoa.k againfl that lVlan., and all the Curfes that are . u}ritten in. God's Book jhall lie t:rpon him, and God jhall blot out his Name from under lica.. ·'Ven (u). ~- ~ - Yea, that Man £hall not fail to be effectual! y defi:royed, faith the 'l'ext : Cfbe Lord .Jh all Jepczrate that Man Ullf() Evil, out of all the Tribes of lfraeJ, according to all the Curfe-s of the Cove- ~~(~. . (s) Deut. xxix. 18. (t) Deut xxix J 9· (u} /hid. ver . zo. i ·" ) Jhid ver. :n. F 6